We had a meet one year that went on, even though through the night before and all morning, it was snowing/ freezing rain. We had gotten a hotel in advance, and arrived before the weather hit.
The meet went on as planned, but a lot of families chose not to make the drive. By the last session, there were only 20 girls prepared to compete, and only 1 for our team. HC said I could head out early since there was just the one girl. We left, got on a big highway heading home, did a 535º spin across 4 lanes on black ice to the shoulder of the road gently into a snow bank. We had to get to 540º carefully, while staying out of the way of the traffic, especially since we were facing the wrong way. When it was completely clear across all lanes, we slowly and carefully did a 180º and continued on our drive home.
We went through several counties that were under Level 2 snow emergencies and one that was under a Level 3.
If the meet had been at our gym, we cancel if there is a Level 2 snow emergency in our county AND any other county nearby because all the teams we compete against are from other counties, and we don't want to put anyone in danger. If there is a Level 3 snow emergency in our county, that's an automatic cancellation.