So now that the vax is a reality who will be getting.......

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So who will be getting the vax.

  • We will, whole family as we are approved

    Votes: 96 76.8%
  • None of us will

    Votes: 13 10.4%
  • Some will (feel free to elaborate via post)

    Votes: 16 12.8%

  • Total voters
I got my first (a Pfizer) and was scheduled then and there for May 7th for my next jab. It was a very makeshift setup (though it was at an actual outpatient facility). Once I checked in, there was a line, but it sped along. I was observed for 15minutes on site. No complications, but i think the 2nd is supposed to be worse. We'll see.
All 3 adults in my family are vaccinated! Each with a different brand. I received Moderna, husband J&J and DD Pfizer. All of us had an immune response but mine was by far the worst - 12 hours of pure agony with a mixed bag of lovely ailments. Now I'm just looking forward to the younger teens getting approved. My son has been in in-person school for 3 weeks (including a 1/2 week of distance learning ahead of the Derek Chauvin verdict) and already has to quarantine for 2 weeks because of an exposure. Fortunately, because the rest of us are vaxed, it's not a huge disruption to the rest of the family.
All 3 adults in my family are vaccinated! Each with a different brand. I received Moderna, husband J&J and DD Pfizer. All of us had an immune response but mine was by far the worst - 12 hours of pure agony with a mixed bag of lovely ailments. Now I'm just looking forward to the younger teens getting approved. My son has been in in-person school for 3 weeks (including a 1/2 week of distance learning ahead of the Derek Chauvin verdict) and already has to quarantine for 2 weeks because of an exposure. Fortunately, because the rest of us are vaxed, it's not a huge disruption to the rest of the family.
I’ve read that the next younger group is set to be approved next week- 12 to 15 year olds.
Did I miss some news? why not J&J? (besides the fact that they are not approved yet for that age group)
Probably a personal choice due to the potential link between this vaccine (as well as the Astra Zeneca one) and the rare blood clotting disorders.
J & J, they are concerned about the blood clotting risk as its similar to AnstraZenica, they are not approving it for use for anyone in Australia.
J & J, they are concerned about the blood clotting risk as its similar to AnstraZenica, they are not approving it for use for anyone in Australia.
At this point there have been 6 cases from 7 million doses in the USA(about 0.0001%). At my age/health, if I catch Covid-19, my chances of being hospitalized are around 5% and the case fatality rate is around 0.2-0.5%.

I am not a doctor, but I am pretty good at math, and I like those odds.
Just throwing in my 2 cents about J&J as a pharmacist. Obviously, it’s your choice with your family. If I had all three in front of me for my kids, J&J would be my last choice, but I’d still happily give it to my 14 and 15 yr old daughters today if it were legal. The chance of a blood clot from the J&J vaccine is significantly lower than it is from getting a blood clot from having Covid-19. Like 4 per million vs 39 per million. (That’s from an Oxford study). So you’re almost 10 times more likely to get a blood clot from having the disease vs the vaccine. So in my opinion, the benefit far outweighs the risk. And the risk of a blood clot from oral contraceptives, which I’d have to guess most people reading this have been on at some point and may even have their daughters on, is significantly higher than from the J&J vaccine too. Though they do think the type of blood clot may be different. That being said, I am happy that it appears Pfizer will be the first to be approved for 12-15, and all signs point to that being next week. The best thing to do is to research multiple, reliable sources and make the best decision for you and your family. :)
For those of you involved in administering the vaccines, how soon after the Pfizer vaccine is authorized for ages 12-15 do you think it will be possible for kids in this age group to receive the vaccine? I've found a pharmacy that claims to offer Pfizer on a walk-in basis, but I can't imagine that they will have their computer system ready to administer the vaccine to kids in this age group the moment the news breaks. My kid basically wants me to monitor the news continuously and throw her in the car the second it's announced.
For those of you involved in administering the vaccines, how soon after the Pfizer vaccine is authorized for ages 12-15 do you think it will be possible for kids in this age group to receive the vaccine? I've found a pharmacy that claims to offer Pfizer on a walk-in basis, but I can't imagine that they will have their computer system ready to administer the vaccine to kids in this age group the moment the news breaks. My kid basically wants me to monitor the news continuously and throw her in the car the second it's announced.
I don't administer vaccines anymore, but I know from my current role that the behind-the-scenes work is already complete/currently being done to ensure that there will be sufficient supplies (such as pediatric-sized needles) to support adolescent Pfizer administration. The infrastructure is already in place - and had been planned out - for adolescent COVID immunization, so it would depend on (IMO) the U.S. government allocating adolescent Pfizer out to states/pharmacies/federal health centers/etc. I recall the turnaround for J&J was pretty short (from EUA authorization to vaccines able to be ordered/shipped) so this may be similar - maybe 1-2 weeks? However, there may not initially be much vaccine to go around at first, as production would need time to ramp up. Appointments may be hard to get at first, and supply may be limited.

Oh, and my 12 y.o. DS will be getting it. DD, the gymnast, is too young at 10.
J & J, they are concerned about the blood clotting risk as its similar to AnstraZenica, they are not approving it for use for anyone in Australia.
Not going to quote everyone this gets to it quick.

If J&J were the only option I’d take the vax and let my kid too. Yes comparatively the risk is low.

Having spent a decade in lab testing dealing specifically with disorders of hemostasis, in others words why folks throw clots...... most folks have genetic factors in play. And deficiencies in the hemostasis/coagulation pathway typically remain undiagnosed until the person or a biological relative throws a clot. The clot (or high incidence of miscarriabe) is the symptom that leads to the investigation as to why the clot happened. Sometimes it’s a little clot ano you live, sometimes not.

So with our unknown histories, no J&J here. We have other options, she will be taking them.
For those of you involved in administering the vaccines, how soon after the Pfizer vaccine is authorized for ages 12-15 do you think it will be possible for kids in this age group to receive the vaccine? I've found a pharmacy that claims to offer Pfizer on a walk-in basis, but I can't imagine that they will have their computer system ready to administer the vaccine to kids in this age group the moment the news breaks. My kid basically wants me to monitor the news continuously and throw her in the car the second it's announced.
I’m just a retail pharmacist, so I don’t claim to be an expert on how the actual emergency use authorization procedure works, but I can tell you this: Pfizer asked for EUA for 16+ on 11/20, got the auth from the FDA on 12/11, the CDC gave its blessing on 12/12 (press release was 12/13) and the first dose was given 12/14. So, if that time frame holds, it will be quick. My guess would be the FDA will approve this Friday or early next week, and we’ll be able to administer within a few days. Of course, we’ll need the governors to allow 12+ (right now all states are 16+) but I can’t imagine that they won’t. I emailed mine last week actually lol

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