WAG Soft rails

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But why should anyone have to get used to them? I want to know why they switched to these bars? Even taller elites are having trouble with their feet dragging because the rails are so bendy. And CoachP, I do not need a smart aleck remark, this is a serious problem, and just saying "she has to adjust" is such a guy way to coach. These girls (my girl) need help and no one seems to have an answer except "they need to adjust." No kidding! But if someone, maybe the ones who thought these were such great bars, could tell them HOW to adjust, maybe they could stop feeling discouraged, getting yelled at for being sloppy, and have as good a season on bars as they had last year.
In what skills are their feet dragging or are they having trouble with? That would help the coaches and other parents to know where to offer strategies.
simply, the soft rail is a speith rail. the USA wanted a more responsive rail like that of the rails used in international competitions.

any negative is a bit misguided. mine go back and forth between both rails and have absolutely no problems. you simply wait a tad longer on a soft rail. the timing difference is negligible and one that should be made within a couple of turns.

the argument against this is similar to when you hear others complain about the differences in equipment from meet to meet. and yes, maybe they have a couple of pounds different on the standards in water or cement on the free standing rigs, and yes they feel a bit different, but the differences are negligible. if your a gymnast you make the adjustment. that's all.
But why should anyone have to get used to them? I want to know why they switched to these bars? Even taller elites are having trouble with their feet dragging because the rails are so bendy. And CoachP, I do not need a smart aleck remark, this is a serious problem, and just saying "she has to adjust" is such a guy way to coach. These girls (my girl) need help and no one seems to have an answer except "they need to adjust." No kidding! But if someone, maybe the ones who thought these were such great bars, could tell them HOW to adjust, maybe they could stop feeling discouraged, getting yelled at for being sloppy, and have as good a season on bars as they had last year.

in bold is not true and misguided. i know.
I'm new to the whole soft rail thing... At what level are they now required for? Will they be required for lower levels in the future?
I heard from a very reliable source that some of the taller elites are having trouble adjusting. From the horse's mouth, so to speak. I'm not making stuff up, I don't do that.
I remember my daughter complaining about this years ago even while in compulsories. Whenever she went to a meet with soft rails, she would score slightly lower and not hit her bar routine as well. Her new gym has soft rails and she said she now loves it. I understand the switch is bad timing as your daughter is in the middle of the recruitment process. If she goes to college camps she'll still be fine right? So maybe when college coaches come to your gym, your coach could inform them that the gymnasts are in the process of adjusting. It is indeed frustrating when you know you can hit a routine perfectly and now it is not quite there when you need it. But the sooner, you and your daughter accept and not get upset at this minor adjustment, the sooner she'll get back on track.

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