Parents Spondylolysis. Questions.

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Proud Parent
Mar 18, 2013
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DD was diagnosed with spondylolysis. She will have to wear a back brace for 6 weeks, 23 hours a day. The doctor said should could continue gymnastics while in the brace, to do whatever the brace would allow her. To those who has been through this, how much will she actually be able to do? Should we even bother going?
She is training for level 4, has all the skills but the kip, which she has, but not consistently and not pretty. If she can at least practice the kip, then she could still be on track for L4 by October. She should be able to go back to full-time training by September. But how long will it be before she gets all her skills back?
Another question, DD is registered for one week of gymnastics camp at the end of July, exactly 2 days after the brace comes off. The doctor gave us a note, so I think since it's a health problem, we should be able to get our money back. But she really wants to go. Could she still go? Would she still have some fun, even if she won't be able to do harder skills yet?
I don't know about this injury or brace specifically but, I imagine she could probably do bars. On beam she might be able to do the dance at least, maybe more - same with floor.

She should still be able to do most conditioning too. Her coach may even give her extra conditioning for the times she can't do other things. Going is probably better than staying home for that long, so she can stay in shape.

Is she doing any physical therapy?
Honestly I would say she will be limited to conditioning and basic skills. Tough I know. But if she can give it the six weeks she may be back on track.

Though even after she heals you will still need to be aware of bwo's, limbers etc
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Personally, I think a back brace is good for form on kips. Good luck though... it will be a lot of just conditioning and basic skills.

I know that my OG was crushed "only" conditioning and "swinging bars" with her broken foot... so much so that she hasn't been back to the gym in 3 weeks.
I don't know about this injury or brace specifically but, I imagine she could probably do bars. On beam she might be able to do the dance at least, maybe more - same with floor.

She should still be able to do most conditioning too. Her coach may even give her extra conditioning for the times she can't do other things. Going is probably better than staying home for that long, so she can stay in shape.

Is she doing any physical therapy?

Thanks! Yes, she will be doing PT too.
Call the camp and explain the situation and ask how they handle it. I would say whether to go depends on how their answer sounds.
Call the camp and explain the situation and ask how they handle it. I would say whether to go depends on how their answer sounds.

Thanks, I was thinking the same thing.
The main reason she wants to go is there should be an Olympian there, we are not sure who yet, but she is hoping for a particular one, and really wants to meet her. :)
Depends on the camp. Something like Woodward, where there are only a few required practice hours per day, would be great. She can gently start rebuilding her skills but also hang out at the pool, tie-dye a t-shirt, etc. If it's a college camp or other gym camp with few other options, I think it might be frustrating for her. Last year DD missed gym camp due to a broken foot so she want to her normal gym practices, but she and a friend decided on a different activity for every day after practice... paint your own pottery, mini golf, an outdoor festival, catching critters in a creek, etc. They had a blast and it took some of the sting out of missing camp (and it was loads cheaper too!).
My concern would be she's a level 4 with spondy.

How old is she? What are her goals in the sport?

Quite apart from recovery ( and honestly, make sure she recovers fully and can train with no pain). I'd be asking what has led to this point. High hours, high bwo reps? Her body just isn't up to the training she is doing? Before you go back in the gym sit down with the coaches and ask what you can do to prevent this happening or worsening.

If it were my dd I'd be asking myself whether a program change- excel, even another gym was in order, depending on what the coaches response is. Even another sport- tumbling, tramp if flipping about is her thing.
We had a girl with this and she was not allowed to set foot in the gym for 6 months. You are talking about her SPINE.
My concern would be she's a level 4 with spondy.

How old is she? What are her goals in the sport?

Quite apart from recovery ( and honestly, make sure she recovers fully and can train with no pain). I'd be asking what has led to this point. High hours, high bwo reps? Her body just isn't up to the training she is doing? Before you go back in the gym sit down with the coaches and ask what you can do to prevent this happening or worsening.

If it were my dd I'd be asking myself whether a program change- excel, even another gym was in order, depending on what the coaches response is. Even another sport- tumbling, tramp if flipping about is her thing.

The doctor did't seem too concerned, said it's a common injury in gymnastics. The reason most likely is her growing too fast over the last year. She is only 9, but is taller than most 11 year olds in her gym. That in addition to stress of gymnastics caused this.

Also, I've been reading the papers the doctor gave us (it was hard following her during our visit), it seems that they didn't actually see the fracture. They saw some fluid and inflammation near L5 pars, so they suspect "non-displaced spondylolysis", but they didn't actually see a fracture line on MRI. Playing it safe? I guess better be safe than sorry.
Sounds like my dd's (8 yo) diagnosis. The MRI showed swelling where fractures could possibly be and not actual fracture lines. My dd did not have to wear a brace but was out of gym completely (no conditioning even) for 12 weeks. She also had PT. Her teammate did have to wear a brace, however and was out even longer.
Sounds like my dd's (8 yo) diagnosis. The MRI showed swelling where fractures could possibly be and not actual fracture lines. My dd did not have to wear a brace but was out of gym completely (no conditioning even) for 12 weeks. She also had PT. Her teammate did have to wear a brace, however and was out even longer.

How was she after 12 weeks of no gym? Did it take her long to regain her skills? How has her back been since then?
I called the camp. They said she can't come. :(
oh no. That is a bummer, but understandable. They don't want the liability.
I called the camp. They said she can't come. :(

I wasn't replying because I know nothing about this injury.

But I do just want to add in that I'm sorry it's going to be difficult for her. And that she will miss camp. That stinks since she's really been looking forward to it.
I totally went through this. Oldest and youngest dd's were signed up for IGC when oldest was told no physical activity for a year that could torque the back. Youngest still got to go, oldest was devastated.

This was the start of two years of no activity. I feel your pain..

Try to find her some other things to do to take her mind of it. We took oldest to NYC instead of IGC< it was kind of on the way.

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