Sports Commentators...Why talk so much ?

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I would like to ask why sports commentators have to talk constantly through the floor routines ? I for one would love to be able to hear the floor music as it makes the routine in my opinion. Commentators can always analyze in the slow motion replay.

Any other opinions, agree or disagree ?


I would like to ask why sports commentators have to talk constantly through the floor routines ? I for one would love to be able to hear the floor music as it makes the routine in my opinion. Commentators can always analyze in the slow motion replay.

Any other opinions, agree or disagree ?



If they don't talk, they may feel guilty about all of the money they are making?:confused:
God I know. On the BBC there's a woman who says the name of the skills constantly which is annoying but also useful if it's a cool skill, but there is this guy who says things like:
"She's a very keen wildlife photographer" in the middle of the biggest skills!
God I know. On the BBC there's a woman who says the name of the skills constantly which is annoying but also useful if it's a cool skill, but there is this guy who says things like:
"She's a very keen wildlife photographer" in the middle of the biggest skills!

THAT would be very annoying!^
But i actually don't mind NBC's commentary, although it can be very dramatic.
I don't know why I thought Tim's commentary during the men's qualifier was so funny, but I was laughing. "You have no idea how many dreams have died on this apparatus." "Man, you don't take a step on your pommel horse dismount!" I actually don't watch men's all that much but I think he was just more into it than the women's and his responses to mistakes were more amusing to me. I thought he was about to have a heart attack when Justin was doing those kolmans (also, I'm insanely proud that I remembered a full twisting kovacs is called a kolman with a k. I have no idea who told me that - probably someone I know who coaches high level boys - but when it popped into my head I was all "hey I know the name of this thing!"). Also please don't tell me that's the wrong name because I'll be crushed.
So far I've enjoyed NBC's coverage of gymnastics, but I can see where you're coming from. I do wish though that they would try to keep quiet during the floor routines...for some reason I just think talkling ruins the whole thing.
Either way though, I'm just glad it's on TV!! :]
If I hear Christine Still say "tuck back" instead of back tuck once more I will shoot myself. Seriously. And why is a layout a layout on beam but a straight somersault on floor to this woman? They are they same thing!!!

God I love Tim Dagget. He's hysterical (all together now, "like BAM!"). I make a point of watching NBC coverage, its so much more entertaining that the BBC.

I hate Matt Baker though- he practically holds his breath thoughout the whole routine and then squeaks "AMAZING!" at the end. As for Roo-mania, Nast-eee-yaa Yeeukin (I kid you not) and Alicia Sah-crah-moan... kill me please.
If I hear Christine Still say "tuck back" instead of back tuck once more I will shoot myself. Seriously. And why is a layout a layout on beam but a straight somersault on floor to this woman? They are they same thing!!!

God I love Tim Dagget. He's hysterical (all together now, "like BAM!"). I make a point of watching NBC coverage, its so much more entertaining that the BBC.

I hate Matt Baker though- he practically holds his breath thoughout the whole routine and then squeaks "AMAZING!" at the end. As for Roo-mania, Nast-eee-yaa Yeeukin (I kid you not) and Alicia Sah-crah-moan... kill me please.

Actually, in other parts of the world an American "back tuck" is known as a "tuck back", "STRAIGHT" is a shape; like tuck, pike or straddle and Rom-ania used to be spelled ROU-mania by some in the West. Just because something is different than what you are used to does not make it wrong!
God, I hate NBC. Hate hate hate. I like Bart Conner on WCSN.

NBC can't teach their people to pronounce names right, they talk over everything, and they just... ARGH! I also hate the distinct parochialism in covereage--women's TF, they showed the US and China. And one routine each from Romania and Russia.

Then they keep cutting in to show swimming. Not just finals, but heats. And look, we're all proud of Phelps. But Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, 7 minutes interviewing restauranteurs about his eating habits?! Earlier tonight, 15 minutes on Beijing cuisine? I can watch Anthony Bourdain for that.

NBC, you have what, five, six networks? SHOW. MORE. SPORTS. America can live without Law & Order for two frackin' weeks. And please, stream more coverage online. And stop restricting the stream to within the US.


I should say that programming-wise, NBC is my favorite network. They had the West Wing, and stuff.
Actually, in other parts of the world an American "back tuck" is known as a "tuck back", "STRAIGHT" is a shape; like tuck, pike or straddle and Rom-ania used to be spelled ROU-mania by some in the West. Just because something is different than what you are used to does not make it wrong!

I'm not American and I call it a back tuck and so do most people I know lol! I just don't get why she calls the same skill two different names depending on what piece of apparatus you happen to be on.

I didn't know that about Romania though!
Icelandic TV

I just finished watching the women's floor apparatus final and the commentators, from Iceland, only spoke at the end of the eachtumbling pass while the competitor was resting in the corner and then at the end of the routine. It was very refreshing.

Al, breathlessly as Nastia warms up: "Watch her bend her slender, athletic frame..." :eek: Ummm...yeah. Time for Al to go back to just asking questions now...or something.

Also, Bela's interview with Bob this time was sheer perfection.


Bob: We'll just have to leave that a rhetorical question for now.

Awesome. I laughed for approximately an hour.
I was kind of surprised they didn't say a word duing Dos Santos' routine.:eek:

The two of them used to scream after she did every pass that no woman or man on earth could do. Tim even got all hot and bothered about Hypolito's piked Arabian double, saying that no other man at the Olympics could do it. I guess he was kind of right.

Maybe their boss told them to shut up.:confused:

If Bela cried...

I don't think I would have been surprised at all...let's be honest.
I hate it when the commentators do that - but at the same time, Eurosport's commentary is pathetic compared to the BBC's. The Eurosport commentators never seem remotely interested in what they're watching, whereas the BBC commentators get really hyped up and really get everyone pumped for whatever's coming up.

Slightly off topic, but the BBC had a brilliant commentary going when some of the rowing was on:

'Where ever you are, what ever you're going, SCREAM AND SHOUT AT THE TV!!' - 'the British are coming!! THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!! We've taken the lead...YES!! WE CAN DO THIS!! LOOK OUT THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!'

It's nice to hear the passion sometimes.
If you haven't read the thread started by bogwoppit on Journalistic opinions... scroll down a bit. There is a link to a newspaper article on gymnastics scoring and it's hilarious. The author pokes fun at some of the things Tim Dagget was saying when he got excited like "ginormous" to describe a skill and everything going on out there was "crazy"! Read it- you'll laugh!
I hate it when the commentators do that - but at the same time, Eurosport's commentary is pathetic compared to the BBC's. The Eurosport commentators never seem remotely interested in what they're watching, whereas the BBC commentators get really hyped up and really get everyone pumped for whatever's coming up.

Slightly off topic, but the BBC had a brilliant commentary going when some of the rowing was on:

'Where ever you are, what ever you're going, SCREAM AND SHOUT AT THE TV!!' - 'the British are coming!! THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!!! We've taken the lead...YES!! WE CAN DO THIS!! LOOK OUT THE BRITISH ARE COMING!!'

It's nice to hear the passion sometimes.

LMAO. If a British gymnast ever takes a gold they might have a heart attack- I was getting a bit worried about Mitch Fenner and Matt Baker during pommel horse finals.
I didn't know that about Romania though!

Romania also changed their competition name/country abbreviation to ROU about two years ago. It used to be ROM. I think in Romanian the name is pronounced more like Roo-mania so maybe that's the reason for the change.

Al, breathlessly as Nastia warms up: "Watch her bend her slender, athletic frame..." :eek: Ummm...yeah. Time for Al to go back to just asking questions now...or something.

Also, Bela's interview with Bob this time was sheer perfection.


Bob: We'll just have to leave that a rhetorical question for now.

Awesome. I laughed for approximately an hour.

I was thinking the same think when Al was watching Nastia warm up!!! I was thinking "You perv!!! you did not just say that Al!!!" Jeesh!!!

Bela--God love him!!! Me and my dad were cracking up!!!!! He is Filipino and still has a slight accent also, but he even thought it was funny!!!

I still crack up about 1996 Atlanta when Bella was telling Kerri Strug--"You can do eeet!! You can do eeet!"
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