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Geoffrey Taucer

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Jan 21, 2007
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Anybody else playing this?

Tychus's subplot made no sense and annoyed the daylights out of me, but otherwise awesome game.

Spoilers in white:
Kerrigan's deinfestation at the end raises all sorts of questions. What are the implications for the Xel'Naga prophecy? The prophecy seemed to imply that the Queen of Blades was the one who could stop the hybrids; since Kerrigan is no longer the Queen of Blades, what does that mean for the prophecy?

On a more practical level, how can Blizzard publish a Zerg-focused expansion pack with Kerrigan definfested?

It seems like all signs point to the idea that she isn't really deinfested (which would explain her hair in the ending cinematic), or that she's going to get somehow reinfested (over Raynor's dead body, if they stick to the characterization they've got so far).

Haven't tried the multiplayer yet -- I was never big on the multiplayer in SC1, but maybe I'll give it a try this time around.
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I have the game, but don't have time to play at the moment :( I'm really looking forward to it though, took me FOREVER to download!!

I have friends that are playing multiplayer and doing tournaments and such. They love it. If you go multiplayer make sure the person hosting doesn't have a cruddy internet connection!
First - played through. Liked it. Wish I had a better PC to get the full graphic experience that I see on other people's machines.. laptop gaming < fun :(

Response below (in white).

Anyhow, you're thinking a bit narrowly - who says that Kerrigan was the only ghost infected? Who says the overmind is really gone? Puppet? Remember, fiction is fiction for a reason - and no one is really dead (ala X-Files). For all we know, the ending may have "split" kerrigan, and the zerg portion got regenerated without her being a part.. many possiblities. *shrug*

The MP is ok, but I have played all of 7 ladder games, and I spend the rest of my time doing old school 3v3 NR games... nostalgia is fun, but I miss the hell out of wraiths, and Toss are just madly OPed.. and tanks stink now. Sure is fun to mass Thor though!! :)
Okay, honestly, that sounded like Swahihli to me....
But my cousin has it, and from what I could understand, he thought the same as you, Geoffrey Taucer.
HAHAHA OH MAN I'm gonna brag real quick here.

I just made an absolutely epic comeback in an online TvT on Desert Oasis.

Other guy dropped tanks and marauders in my main early on; I was nowhere near ready, 'cause I was trying a new build and did a real early expansion. My main got annihilated, and my expansion shortly thereafter, but I managed to get command centers safely out to both the islands, and got a barracks, a factory, and a starport out to one of them. Built an engineering bay right off the bat, then a wall of missile turrets for defense, then built several more starports and just pumped out banshees and vikings as fast as I could. Went in with the banshees, micro'd the daylights out of them to avoid scanner sweeps (it helped that the bulk of his air defense was vikings, so I could provide some decent cover by sending in my own vikings). Destroyed all three of his command centers, destroyed a command center in-progress, then picked off SCVs until he surrendered.

It's not every day you get adrenaline pumping in a strategy game, but holy monkey, that was a rush!
I have the game, played it for a while but now I dont have time to play. I used to play multiplayer with my friends.
So I've really gotten into multiplayer lately (currently rank 1 in bronze league). Any of you guys still playing? If anybody wants to hit me up for a few matches, my handle is Taucer and my character code is 201.
Havent tried that one but my friend's kid got me caught on Wizard 101. Now, she and I play while talking on the phone. Its a great game for familys to play together, lots of talk restriction for kids, enough stratagy for adults and very funny.
Gonna go ahead and bump this thread for my nerd brethren.

Anybody playing much multiplayer? I'm up to rank 2 silver league right now (as a terran player), and I'm having a blast with it. Nothing like mid-game TvZ (ie tons of marines and tanks vs tons of mutas and banes) to get both your heartrate and your APM to skyrocket.

Anybody else excited about the expansion? I'm definitely looking forward to it. It'll probably be good for me to be forced to play some zerg -- I really want to switch to zerg (I play Terran now), but it's just such a hassle to learn the mechanics (zerg is definitely, in my opinion, the hardest race to play, but potentially the strongest assuming high APM and good mechanics).
I finshed all of the content on Wizard 101 althouh I still play my newer character occassionally. I may look up this game for something new to play.
Wow GT, it's so cool that other people on this forum play this game!

I'm currently Platinum in 1v1 after going 5-0 in my placement matches....and Diamond League in 3s/4s. However I refuse to do any more 1v1's, its INCREDIBLY stressful to me, and I am on high alert from the moment I spawn in to the moment they GG out (That same "being on high alert" is probably why I win, but its way too much stress!)

We should def do some 1v1's for fun (custom maps), for fun! Also, I only play toss, and since Terran is overpowered atm you will own me every time!


If you beat the campaign, try to beat it on brutal and get all of the achievements! Playing through the campaign again on brutal was literally 10 times more fun than playing it on normal; also, who doesnt want kerrigan's portrait!

As for the plot I'll be honest - I was so interested in blowing things up and massing an army that I didn't pay much attention to the plot holes etc. But now that you mention them that bugs me too.
Wow GT, it's so cool that other people on this forum play this game!

I'm currently Platinum in 1v1 after going 5-0 in my placement matches....and Diamond League in 3s/4s. However I refuse to do any more 1v1's, its INCREDIBLY stressful to me, and I am on high alert from the moment I spawn in to the moment they GG out (That same "being on high alert" is probably why I win, but its way too much stress!)

Impressive! And I think the "high alert" stress is what makes it fun and exhilarating!

We should def do some 1v1's for fun (custom maps), for fun! Also, I only play toss, and since Terran is overpowered atm you will own me every time!

Definitely! Let's play a few.

If you beat the campaign, try to beat it on brutal and get all of the achievements! Playing through the campaign again on brutal was literally 10 times more fun than playing it on normal; also, who doesnt want kerrigan's portrait!

Yeah, I'm definitely getting the impression you're far better at this game than I am.

Still, I'm down for some 1v1. What's your name/character code?
Said cousin has me hooked- I love it! The prophecy really confuses me though.
I can give you the cliff notes version of the background on the prophecy here:

The zerg and protoss did not evolve, but rather were created by an ancient race called the Xel'Naga. The protoss were created first -- but they then broke ties with the Xel'Naga, prefering independence. The Xel'Naga then created the zerg, but the zerg then (if I recall correctly) revolted and destroyed the Xel'Naga -- or so it was believed.

Kerrigan was a Terran Ghost who was captured by the zerg and infested.

At the end of Starcraft 1, the zerg invade the protoss homeworld of Aiur. The Overmind (the brain-like entity that originally controlled the zerg) implanted itself in the surface of Aiur. Raynor, Tassadar, and Zeratul launched a final desperate assault on the overmind, and Tassadar ended up sacrificing himself in order to destroy it. After the overmind fell, Kerrigan took control of some of the surviving zerg broods while the rest went rogue and laid waste to Aiur.

So that's the plot of Starcraft 1 in a nutshell. I may be forgetting a few things -- I haven't played it in a very long time.

EDIT: there was an expansion pack called Brood War, but I don't really recall anything important happening in it plot-wise -- by the end of it, everything's more or less status quo.
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So, I've just registered to play in an upcoming MLG Starcraft 2 tournament in a couple weeks. Wish me luck!

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