Parents sticking it out

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Jan 9, 2008
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It seems like a lot of posters have switched gyms due to different issues. Well 2 years ago we considered switching but we stayed at the same gym. My daughter competed her second year as a 4 and had a better year. I really like my daughters gym and I think the owner has a really good program. Despite of this I thought if my daughters main coaches were kind of young and at times lacking. I just thought well the gym was a good gym and coaches will change. I also thought with the right coach daughter would have done so much better. Occasionally daughter would have a substitute coach and come out with new skills or would just come out happier.
Well we are thrilled this year because daughter has a new main coach she occasionally would teach my daughter but not consistently and she has one of her other coaches who would coach once a week,she is an older coach and my daughter just loves her. The new main coach who will be going to their meets in my opinion is one of the best in the gym. She is very into the sport was a former college gymnast and eventhough she is young she is very mature. She seem to be very knowledgable about the technicalities of the sport where daughters old coach would tell her just do it the new coach seems tell her how. She was able to help my daughter get her FHS this summer after daughter struggled with this skill for almost a year. She also is into conditioning . She picked up that my daughter was doing her backwalker over with the wrong leg weeks after nobody noticed. She also gives postive feedback. I could go on and on.
When I picked up daughter from practice tonight she was so happy and was so excited about upcoming meet season. She was saying how hard she is going to work this season. Anyway I am really thrilled for my daughter and I am glad we stuck it out at this gym.
That's great news! I love the feeling when something right just "clicks" and you know your DD is really loving the gym. Sounds like this coach really is putting an interest in the girls. Funny how such positive coaching has such a positive effect on the girls! Sounds like your DD will have an awesome season!

Only reason we left old gym was financial & nothing else, still a little sad how it all went down, but we will survive.
Good to hear that things have clicked! Hope she has a great season :-)!!
was doing her backwalker over with the wrong leg

Seems like such an important thing and I don't understand how a coach could really miss it - especially if the gym is USAG.

When we switched gyms the coaches picked up on it right away . . . after competing her BWO on beam righty for an entire year . . . she's actually lefty and does EVERYTHING in gymnastics lefty but the BWO!

We've spent ALL summer struggling with a lefty BWO on beam. She is so NOT interested in working on it - she feels like she's had it for so long - she wants to work on something newer. sigh.

Long story short . . . thank goodness they caught that ! ! ! !

Sounds like things are looking up :-)
So nice when things work out the way we want them too isn't it??? Glad things are coming together for your DD. This coach sounds great!!! Good luck & best wishes for a great season!
So glad that things are going so well for your daughter! It is so great when they have coaches they click with and really want to work hard for. :D

I agree that changing gyms is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. Most times, things probably will eventually get better. You have to weigh both sides and then make the best decision you can. I don't regret changing gyms. I am happy that her old gym is making some good changes because her old teammates deserve the best, but she is in the right place for HER and I wouldn't change our decision. :D

Nice to hear positive sticking it out stories, too. The mat isn't always bluer on the other side. LOL.
I love hearing happy gym stories! We're also at a gym we love, and I don't think there's a better gym out there for my daughter.

Good luck to your daughter this season!
Thanks for all the comments. In response to Jess Mom my daughter is also a lefty. I think it was not picked up that she was doing her back walkover with the wrong leg because they just started working on routines and when she was a level 4 it did not matter. I think her old coach just did not pick up on it. Anyway she corrected it but I am not sure if this is true since she is just a level 5 I thought my daughter told me it did not matter which leg you lead your backwalker over on the beam.

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