WAG Surgery done!!

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Proud Parent
Aug 7, 2013
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On Friday my DD had surgery for her elbow OCD. Everything went great. The dr. only had to do the micro fracture (the drilling). She had no cartilage damage, and there were no broken bone fragments. It was the best case scenario. She is in a splint now for a week and a lf and then she will wear an elbow brace. Dr. said 6 weeks recovery. It sounds very quick, but they will do a follow up MRI first.

Does anyone have any recovery experiences they can share. I know all kids are different, but I'm just curious.
When my daughter had an OCD repair (with microfracture procedure as well) , she was out of the gym for 6 months per her orthopedic surgeon's orders...she did MD approved PT during that time but did not set foot back in the gym for a solid 6 months and came back better than ever.... for that procedure , 6 weeks seems like a short time...unless your doc means 6 weeks for it to heal at the site...at 4 weeks we had our follow up appt with no discussion of return to gym until she had been doing PT for a few months..

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