Anon switch gyms or stay? Is DD too old?

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Anonymous (c36c)

So my DD is an Xcel Gold gymnast. She started a little later in gymnastics (12) and has been going at it for 3 years. Joined pre-team/team at 13. She did one year on the pre-team as a gold (she didn't have all her skills) and then did one year of sanctioned gold last year. Heading into another now. She had some injuries and set backs, (had to do PT for a while) but she absolutely LOVES gymnastics. She knows she's a little older in gymnastics but still wants to get as good as she possibly can; she's is a very determined and hard working girl; with big dreams, but also tries to be realistic. She loves the gym she's at right now, the coaches are great, and most of her best friends are on the team with her. It's a small Xcel only club. The environment is amazing and feels like a safe place for her to be. BUT, my daughter has mentioned switching gyms once or twice recently, she feels badly even mentioning it; she thinks our current gym won't be able to bring her as far, as quickly, as other, bigger, more organized gyms might be able to. I believe the main things holding her back from actually switching gyms would be 1) possibly losing her friends, and hurting the team/coaches in any way, 2) she's worried she would be older and/or more behind other girls and different gyms. 3) At this point she doesn't have that many more years left of gymnastics so is it worth it? Do you think she could get much better in the few years she has? She knows which gym she would go to if she switched, she's been to open gyms there before and enjoys all the different equipment our gym doesn't have.
Like I said, DD is in love with gymnastics, she begs me to drop her off early so she can get extra work in before class.
Joining a different gym would be adding quite a bit of extra time and driving for me, as it would be too far for me to come home in between. (which is how it is at our current gym, but slightly less travel and practice time); but if she could gain more from there than from our current gym I would seriously consider it. So, after all this rambling, would switching gyms be worth it? Do you think she would be behind the girls at other gyms? Do you think it would take the love out of the sport if she left her current gym? What's your thoughts?
Thanks so much-
NO, It would NOT be worth it!!!

. “ She loves the gym she's at right now, the coaches are great, and most of her best friends are on the team with her. It's a small Xcel only club. The environment is amazing and feels like a safe place for her to be.“

This statement is all you need to focus on. She is not on track to be a college scholarship gymnast. She could participate in a college gym club. Safe and happy with supportive coaches is the absolute best situation for her to be in. In the long term, the memories with her friends and teammates will be what is important not if she gets one or two more skills or even worse gets hurt in a no supportive environment. Please please please keep her in her current gym and focus on the many many positive aspects of it.
NO, It would NOT be worth it!!!

. “ She loves the gym she's at right now, the coaches are great, and most of her best friends are on the team with her. It's a small Xcel only club. The environment is amazing and feels like a safe place for her to be.“

This statement is all you need to focus on. She is not on track to be a college scholarship gymnast. She could participate in a college gym club. Safe and happy with supportive coaches is the absolute best situation for her to be in. In the long term, the memories with her friends and teammates will be what is important not if she gets one or two more skills or even worse gets hurt in a no supportive environment. Please please please keep her in her current gym and focus on the many many positive aspects of it.
Yes I agree that this is a great place for her, I wouldn't have considered changing gyms though if she hadn't asked me. I think the main reason she would want to stay is because she feels like she's too old to get "good" at gymnastics. While she obviously isn't going to be recruited for college gym, I felt like if she wanted to switch gyms to get better at the sport I would obviously consider that and her opinion and if that would be a possibility.
Also, a few of her friends recently quit the team so that could be playing into the fact that she isn't as attached to he current gym anymore.
While this is kind of a relief to hear this view on it, it also makes me a little disappointed on DDs side as she is worried she won't be able to get "good" at gymnastics at this gym.

Thanks for your input I appreciate it 🙂

Also, side note, if I want to delete an anonymous post (not necessarily this one), how would I do that?

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