The only time we've had it be an all day affair is states/regionals, and usually only regionals (which can actually be a multi day affair). The meets we've attended are all scheduled based on the trampoline level, age, and gender. For instance, there will be a block of time that is for L8+ girls age 15+, level 5/6 boys age 15+, and L4 girls age 10. That's one session. The next will have L3/4 boys under age 8 and L6 girls age 12-14. Usually a meet will have 4-6 sessions over a weekend. Say your kid is a different level on the other events from tramp (as is quite often the case).. Well they will run the needed levels of the other events during each tramp session. Again, the only difference is championship meets, where there will be blocks for age/level/gender for each event. It sounds confusing but isn't too bad. We have usually been there between 1.5-3 hours total. Another big difference is that some meets will run awards by flight, so you compete and they immediately do medals for that event/group. Other times (looking at regionals again) you will have hours (I think we had 3?) between the end of an event and the awards for it.