Thanks for the reply! I wish we could keep it the same this year, but the coaches fees will be significantly more. We are mainly trying to figure out how other gyms split the cost fairly (a level 2 and level 10 paying the exact same seems unfair). Then add in regionals for xcel (which we underbudgeted this season!)...
Coaches fees idea for each meet:
Estimate: Per diem + travel (mileage, flight if needed, hotel if needed).
Estimate: # of coaches and # of sessions for each. Use the session fee for each coach (may be different for different coaches) to calculate the estimated total cost of coaches fees.
Add these 2 numbers.
Divide by either all the gymnasts in the levels attending the meet OR just the gymnasts attending (Xcel Regionals and other Post-season meets for Upper Level Optionals). Then add in the cost of each meet. For each level that makes up a "team," remember to add in that fee, divided by the number of girls in the level.
Do this for each meet. Then make a chart for each Level. IT should list the meet, the estimated Coaches fees (including the session fees and travel, etc), and the cost of meet registration (with portion of team fee added in).
You could even say that this does NOT include Post-season meets and that those will be additional.
By having the chart, if a girl joins the team late, but will still compete in some of the meets, you can just have her pay the amounts for the meets starting with her first meet... as long as she doesnt make it so there will be another level with a full "team" or need another coach in a session, or need to add an additional session, then you will have a little extra to help cover underestimates.
As the meets happen, make sure you get the "real numbers" and keep track of the "under / over" for each one. At the end of the season, if you have overcharged, make sure to credit them the extra money. If you undercharged, remember that for next season and estimate higher for the particular meets that exceeded your estimates if you are going back.