DD's gym has around 100 on team. About 50 in Xcel (silver, gold and platinum) and JO 3-5, and about 5o JO 6-10. So, somewhat optional heavy, I think, compared to other gyms I have seen.
We have about 70 girls levels 4-10. Split is fairly even with around 37 in L4 & 5 and 33 in L7-10. We aren't doing L6. Also, about 8 of those L5s are shooting for L7 for the fall.
DD's gym is fairly small; there are *maybe* 40 girls total on the JO team with 14 of those being optionals. The girls start competing at L4, but I'm guessing this year there will be an L3 team. The Xcel team probably has 10 girls.
My dds first yeAr on team there was 2 L4, 3 L5, and 1 L7. 6 girls total. That was a small gym!! In the years my dd has been on team it has grown. There are about 50 girls on team now.
DD's gym is fairly new (about 5 years old), so we don't have higher level optionals just yet. L3 we have 13 girls, L4 has 11, L5 has 12, L6 has 7, and L7 has 3
The gym we just switched to is only 1.5 years old, I believe. The owner told me they have 90 kids on the team and she really wasn't expecting to have so many that quickly. The closure of the team program at another gym in town has helped her team grow, but she still had a pretty good sized group before the other gym stopped offering USAG.
Our gym has about 40 girls and 15+ boys. Its the biggest by far in the area, probably less that 125 competitive gymnasts within 100 mile radius...Other significant gym in town has more compulsories and fewer optionals, no boys team. We've got about 10 L8-10 girls, another 10-15 6/7s. 4 boys L-10. big in our region, actually - Ha Ha
I have no clue how big our gym's team is. DD is new to team this year, and while she did do pre-team, they don't really communicate much about that stuff. DD's workout group has about 8 new lvl3 and 5-6 who competed lvl3 last year and are working on lvl4 skills. I know there is at least one other workout group with lvl3/4s, but there may be more than that.
Looking at pictures and hearing meet recaps from last year, it seems the optional levels have a much smaller group of girls, and xcel is maybe 15 total across all the levels.
Medium for us, I guess. Close to 20 on preteam and 20 on level 3, 17 in 4-5 group, 14 in 6-7 group, 6 8s, 3 9s and 3 10s. 6 or so on the boys team and our excel team is huge (around 30)!