My husband will be retiring within the next year or so and we have been discussing moving to Tennessee for a variety of reasons. One factor (not the deciding factor by any means but it is one to consider) is finding a good gym for my daughter. This will be our 'forever' home (hopefully!) and my daughter is currently in compulsory so it would be a gym she would grow with. Any recommendations for gyms? Any to stay away from? Right now, we are pretty wide open in location- my husband will more than likely be traveling regardless of where we live and well, teachers are needed everywhere.
We want low crime, obviously (who doesn't?!) and a decent area to raise children. So, any suggestions!? 
Nothing is set in stone... we are trying to figure out our options and start narrowing down our search for finding the 'right' place for our family. THANK YOU in advance!

Nothing is set in stone... we are trying to figure out our options and start narrowing down our search for finding the 'right' place for our family. THANK YOU in advance!