An article . . .
What's in a (gymnast's) name?
Have you ever wondered what a person’s name means? All names mean something, and the meanings usually originated a long time ago. Like my name, Sarah, means “very smart and pretty and talented and a really good writer and guitar player."
Okay, that’s not EXACTLY what it means, but it’s close enough for me.
Below is a list of a lot of first names of popular gymnasts followed by what their names mean, according to a number of pages I found on the Web. And of course my comments, where necessary. I only did Romanians, Russians and Americans.
Simona: to hear; to listen
Lavinia: name of the legendary mother of the Romanian people (I couldn’t find any definition for Milo’s first name.
Andrea: manly; virile; warrior (There’s no listing for Andreea with two E’s, so this is for Andrea. By the way, somewhere I read that Andreea Raducan said something like, “Nobody in Romania would name their daughter Andrea with one E, because it means something dirty.”
Gina: queen
Nadia: hope
Mirela: admire
Alexandra: man’s defender
Cristina: anointed; Christian
Daniela: God is my judge (No, because she would have beat Shushunova if that was the case.)
Aurelia: Golden
Gabriela: heroine of God
Maria: star of the sea
Claudia: lame (And she was anemic.)
Mariana: star of the sea
Yelena: sun, ray, shining light
Svetlana: light
Ekaterina: pure
Lilia: lily (Lilies are what you lay across dead people’s chests, FYI.)
Viktoria: victory
Olga: blessed; holy; successful
Natalia: birthday
Tatiana: fairy queen (NOT painted bird)
Anna: grace; favor
Roza: rose
Shannon: old; ancient (I didn’t make this one up!)
Dominique: lord
Kerri: black
Amy: beloved
Jaycie: blue crested bird (How beautiful!)
Amanda: fit to be loved
Elise: God’s promise
Shawn: God is gracious (Let us thank Him for our tacos.)
Nastia: Resurrection
Elfie: elf; magical counsel; magical being; strength; white; noble; bright (Notice how Elfie’s name needs way more words to describe it than anybody else’s.)
Phoebe: bright; radiant
Kim: Cyneburg’s field. Huh?
(I spent all kinds of time trying to figure out what the hell Cyneburg’s field is. Here’s something called “Cyneburg’s Field” on esty.com, but it looks like all it is is a bunch of bracelets, and I doubt Kim was named after a bracelet.
An answer to what it means is on chacha.com: “Cyneburg's field meaning - Cyneburg (meaning 'royal forest') was an Old English personal name. In time, the place name.”
Another questionable website says it’s a “royal town.” So that’s where I’m going to leave it. Probably Cyneburg’s field was a reference in some ancient Celtic literature or some **** to a place that never really existed and was so obscure nobody even remembers it anymore.
Jamie: he who supplants
Kristen: anointed
Tasha: birthday
Now that you know what all these gymnasts’ names mean, go find out what YOUR name means. Here are a few sites that will be helpful.
Think Baby Names
Parents Connect
Oh, and the real meaning of Sarah is princess!
Tell everybody here what YOUR name means!
What's in a (gymnast's) name?
Have you ever wondered what a person’s name means? All names mean something, and the meanings usually originated a long time ago. Like my name, Sarah, means “very smart and pretty and talented and a really good writer and guitar player."
Okay, that’s not EXACTLY what it means, but it’s close enough for me.
Below is a list of a lot of first names of popular gymnasts followed by what their names mean, according to a number of pages I found on the Web. And of course my comments, where necessary. I only did Romanians, Russians and Americans.

Simona: to hear; to listen
Lavinia: name of the legendary mother of the Romanian people (I couldn’t find any definition for Milo’s first name.
Andrea: manly; virile; warrior (There’s no listing for Andreea with two E’s, so this is for Andrea. By the way, somewhere I read that Andreea Raducan said something like, “Nobody in Romania would name their daughter Andrea with one E, because it means something dirty.”
Gina: queen
Nadia: hope
Mirela: admire
Alexandra: man’s defender
Cristina: anointed; Christian
Daniela: God is my judge (No, because she would have beat Shushunova if that was the case.)
Aurelia: Golden
Gabriela: heroine of God
Maria: star of the sea
Claudia: lame (And she was anemic.)
Mariana: star of the sea

Yelena: sun, ray, shining light
Svetlana: light
Ekaterina: pure
Lilia: lily (Lilies are what you lay across dead people’s chests, FYI.)
Viktoria: victory
Olga: blessed; holy; successful
Natalia: birthday
Tatiana: fairy queen (NOT painted bird)
Anna: grace; favor
Roza: rose

Shannon: old; ancient (I didn’t make this one up!)
Dominique: lord
Kerri: black
Amy: beloved
Jaycie: blue crested bird (How beautiful!)
Amanda: fit to be loved
Elise: God’s promise
Shawn: God is gracious (Let us thank Him for our tacos.)
Nastia: Resurrection
Elfie: elf; magical counsel; magical being; strength; white; noble; bright (Notice how Elfie’s name needs way more words to describe it than anybody else’s.)
Phoebe: bright; radiant
Kim: Cyneburg’s field. Huh?
(I spent all kinds of time trying to figure out what the hell Cyneburg’s field is. Here’s something called “Cyneburg’s Field” on esty.com, but it looks like all it is is a bunch of bracelets, and I doubt Kim was named after a bracelet.
An answer to what it means is on chacha.com: “Cyneburg's field meaning - Cyneburg (meaning 'royal forest') was an Old English personal name. In time, the place name.”
Another questionable website says it’s a “royal town.” So that’s where I’m going to leave it. Probably Cyneburg’s field was a reference in some ancient Celtic literature or some **** to a place that never really existed and was so obscure nobody even remembers it anymore.
Jamie: he who supplants
Kristen: anointed
Tasha: birthday
Now that you know what all these gymnasts’ names mean, go find out what YOUR name means. Here are a few sites that will be helpful.
Think Baby Names
Parents Connect
Oh, and the real meaning of Sarah is princess!
Tell everybody here what YOUR name means!