This week I accomplished...2010 version

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Kylie: thats great you are getting your front tumbling and tsuks are so much fun, I learned them as an adult too!!

nicci1999 - Thats awesome, I know you cant wait to get back to skills!! The skills come easy after the strength training, thats just the hard part!!!

I have been doing alot of strength but haven't got to practice alot these past few weeks I have been coaching alot with our new schedule. I have to work out a new practice time so I can keep my old skills and work the new ones!!
Punch double front on floor for the first time since I injured my ankle a year ago.

Still can't do any back tumbling, though....
i keep ripping on bars. i have 5 that are healing and one of them decides to rip again. my wrist is totally better and i can do my valdez on beam and tumble without having to wrap it.
we have an exhibition tumbling meet at the end of september. i tumbled on the rod floor and it is like starting over. i can barely make it through my 6 bhs. oh man, does my form need help!
Just camp back from Woodward on Saturday. Got my gainer back tuck off beam and almost have my cast handstand, I can straddle up but I'm just not quite getting my legs together yet.

Learned lots and had a ball. The best part was getting to work with Russell Warfield!
LUCKY! Glad you had fun though! I REALLY want to go next year! Awesome job on the gainer and cast handstand!! The legs will come with practice:D
Yesterday was my first real day in the gym since my ACL surgery in July. I did some bars (kips, front hip circles), some handstands and pirouettes on floor, and some bhs step outs on trampoline. Don't tell my PT!
Managed to sprain my ankle in the gym whilst helping move those blocks around sigh. My classmate felt really bad for causing it though heh.

I've been struggling with having the cartwheel upright for a long time now. Does anyone have tips? My legs always end up kicking sideways. :(
Yesterday was my first real day in the gym since my ACL surgery in July. I did some bars (kips, front hip circles), some handstands and pirouettes on floor, and some bhs step outs on trampoline. Don't tell my PT!

yay! welcome back to gymnastics!
I've been struggling with having the cartwheel upright for a long time now. Does anyone have tips? My legs always end up kicking sideways. :(

I think I do this a bit too. I've always found it helps to drop my head. Also, someone taught me to look under my arm, this works well if you are doing a cartwheel along a line - you look under your arm at the line. This is how you learn cartwheel on the beam - though I'm not really up to that yet.
I haven't posted in awhile because I hadn't learned anything new. Sometimes I definitely feel like I'm not progressing at all. Tonight I got my back extension roll. I pretty much have my standing back tucks on the tumbletrak alone. I can do them with someone standing next me holding the side of my shirt and not touching me at all. We started squat-ons on the bar last Thursday and tonight. Like actual cast and go for it. I'm getting pretty frustrated because my feet are high enough but I'm not leaning over the bar enough. I would pretty much have a pike on if I could just get myself over the bar. I'm fine with I cast, the problem is when I actually bring my feet up. ARGH!
i too have the problem of not leaning over far enough on bars. do you have an exercise ball at home? i have been working on holding the plank position (push-up) with my shoulders and head way forward and my shins on the ball. from plank i put most of the weight on my hands and pike my body which rolls the ball closer to my hands and just my toes are on the ball. if you really want a stomach workout, try to press to a handstand.
this teaches the correct shoulder position for squat-ons or cast handstands

beam has been going really well lately. bars - ok because my hands are still so ripped up. i haven't vaulted or done floor in a while. working a lot more on the power tumbling and double mini. we have an exhibition the end of sept.
I think I do this a bit too. I've always found it helps to drop my head. Also, someone taught me to look under my arm, this works well if you are doing a cartwheel along a line - you look under your arm at the line. This is how you learn cartwheel on the beam - though I'm not really up to that yet.

Thank you so much! I will try that next time! You mean the arm nearest to your body though, right?
Thank you so much! I will try that next time! You mean the arm nearest to your body though, right?

You look in the direction you are going, so it is the arm of the second hand you put down. I usually cartwheel leading with my left leg and left hand, so I look to my right, under my right arm.
I just started gymnastics a few weeks ago and noticed a lot of improvements last night! I can now do cartwheels staying on a line on the floor. I've been turning my head while doing bhs, causing my body to twist, but last night I finally started to get myself to straighten out. It's going to take another week or two to break the habit I think, though. I also for the first time did a handstand with the correct hollow position. It was like I had an epiphany and was finally able to feel the correct body position... now I just have to be able to do it again!
You just started a few weeks ago and can do a BHS? That's INCREDIBLE! :) Great work!

I agree! Wish I could do a BHS!

I had a good session in the gym tonight. I haven't been for a couple of weeks, was very tired and fighting off a bug. Did some work on round-offs and tried back hip circles again on bar. It went very well, I did them all by myself this time. I wasn't too confident at first, but I got more confidence as I went on. I've never used chalk before, but tonight my hands were sweaty and sticking to the bar so I put some chalk on my hands and it helped a lot. I feel like I'm starting to get the feel of them now. Don't know what my form was like, but anyway, it felt really good, I was so excited!
Backhip circles are so much fun(I think, granted Im only working, or was, kips and squat ons lol,). Awesome to hear about the progress everyone is making! Pt is going awesome for me, hardly any pain in my knee anymore. Think in a couple of weeks I might go to an open gym and play on bars :D I can't stand being out of the gym for two days, let alone over two months so far!!
Thanks guys! I'm only doing tumbling in my class right now and I always have a spotter when I do a bhs. I just found a gym by me that has an adult class where you do all events, but you have to register for the whole year and in my last year of college I can't commit to that :(. I'll have to wait till next year... I really want to try beam, though!

nicci1999: glad the pt is going well! Last year I had to go for knee problems and I couldn't wait to get back to being active (i'm not very patient with injuries).
Hi there! I'm new here and excited to see there are other adults out there who love gymnastics and are not afraid to participate. This week I did a pullover on the low bar without any assistance, a front handspring, front tuck on tumble trak and a handstand on the high beam.
Nice! Whenever I do a fhs I usually land on my butt. I keep getting told to be faster. Maybe this week I'll get it...

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