This week I accomplished...2010 version

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i was very happy with the ohio meet today. i finished all of my routines!
i don't remember scores but on floor i did my full and my front tuck ro bhs back tuck. i just started doing full routines with the music this week and that makes it a lot harder for endurance. just didn't feel like it over the summer.
bars - still want my cast handstand, and i need to work on form.
beam - fell on my full turn! but i stuck my valdez, and i finally have my round off dismount back. i need more power out of it so i can up the back tuck or a layout, eventually i want a full.
vault - ouch - didn't know my steps, so the first fhs i hurdled off the wrong foot and barely made it over, but the second one was much better. the last two weeks i had been working my hand full, but i only know which tape line i start from, at my gym. so my dad went to open gym with me to help me find my steps, work on my hurdle, and he brought a tape measure so i'd know where to start from. that was a lot of vaulting after a meet!
Katy- congrats on competing! I would love to try and go to meets when I get stronger and more skills... could be awhile. I also have no idea what my options are for someone living in the NorthEast.
Today I pioneered an exciting new dismount from the low bar.

By which I mean I fell off forwards while attempting a squat-on. ;)

The coach promptly proclaimed me an "absolute disaster". I was slightly worried that I might actually have broken the bar, but it seems to be okay, and I've only got a scrape down my right forearm. I might be an absolute disaster, but I'm also made of rubber.

We also started learning handstand-flatbacks off the springboard onto a pile of mats, but I am absolutely rubbish at opening up to handstand and just stay piked the whole way through. And we had another go at the tumble track - my last 2 punch fronts were close to actually landing, so yay.
Eight years ago, I stopped competing (and therefore seriously training) high bar.

Eight hours ago, I attempted a tkatchev for the first, second, and third time.

Second attempt probably would have caught if I hadn't had another coach throwing a mat over the bar for it.

That skill is nowhere near as hard as it looks -- but it is every bit as much fun!
I got my back handspring on tumble trak on Wednesday. First time attempting it without a spot and everything went great. I'm finally progressing again. :D
we have another meet this sunday in ohio! so i've been working on routines. it is just so hard to make myself do floor routines when no one else.

on sunday i tumbled on the 40x60, and it felt real powerful. i was all excited because my fulls seemed easy. then one of the coaches told me to push through my toes when i set to do a ro bhs lo. it was like a light bulb went on because i've finally re-learned how to do this on tumble track. when i pushed through my toes on floor my layout went a foot higher and had sooo much power. it felt like how my tumbling was when i was 14! it's such a good feeling to fly. can't wait to try fulls today with the new technique.
I have a meet this weekend too! But luckily I train with other competing gymnasts so everyone I work out with is doing routines too :)

I am doing USAIGC gold level this year, which I have never done. Its pretty similar to USAG level 8 which I have done but not for a few years. I am prepared though and I have competed at the gym where it's at, so thats good.

Glad to hear everyone's progress updates! I hope to see some of you at AAU nationals, anyone hear about the winter ones in Onio?
The only thing I've 'accomplished' the past few weeks is to sprain my hand/wrist. :( I've just been working on things like leaps while I wait for my hand to recover.
Gym this week has been cancelled, due to the weather. :(:( To say I'm upset would be an understatement.

I cut a 4ft x 4inch piece of carpet to practice beam on so I don't totally seize up before next week, but I forgot to factor in the light fittings in my front room! So at the minute I can only use it for things like leaps, instead of the cartwheels I was hoping to practice on it.

I'm also facing a dilemma. I'm considering applying for a second degree, starting next September, to be done via evening classes (I'll be working full-time in London by then). This would also allow me to join the University of London gymnastics club, which might possibly mean I'd be able to compete! But going to college 2-3 times a week would also mean I couldn't start the other 2 gym classes in this area I was planning on joining. Hmm. That's a bit off-topic, sorry, but I wanted to vent!
I know what you mean about not being able to go to gym! I haven't been since the end of October because I just got too busy juggling classes, an internship, two jobs, and President of Dance Club :eek:. Finals will be over soon, but I go home right away. I found a gym by home that has an adult program, but you have to register for the entire session and I'd only be there for 4 weeks. It looks like I'll have to wait till the end of January :(. I practice handstands all of the time though, so when I go back at least they won't be terrible.
I have started to ease myself back into by doing handstands, front rolls and backward rolls. I even did some handstand forward rolls down a wedge mat yesterday and some handstand bridge kickovers onto a huge mat very heavily spotted but after my knee was fine and after icing, it felt even better. Go see the surgeon in a month so keep them crossed for full clearance! Oh and started working on bars again, TONS of glide swings so I can get back to working on my Kip(had a half Kip before I got hurt) And of course back to trying to get my pullover back but I let myself get out of.shape.these past.few months so I should have that back again soon after I start working.g out a lot again. Its amazing what an injury will do to the mental aspect though....I was literally shaking yesterday before trying g the handstand kickover, even with a spot
Working on making my comeback on floor and vault.

For the first time since I injured my ankle in august of '09, I did a back layout, a back 1/1, and a back 3/2.

Also, got my Azarian on rings.
GT were you scared at all doing that? I'm so afraid of being afraid of getting re-injured and I don't want it to get in the way of my training when I go back
GT were you scared at all doing that? I'm so afraid of being afraid of getting re-injured and I don't want it to get in the way of my training when I go back

First back layout scared me a little, but after that I was fine.
ohio meet was fun. i think we are going again in january.
i finished all of my routines and stuck my beam routine. low 8's on everything!
Nikki - it is scary. The first time I tried tumbling about a few weeks ago I was quaking! Just take it one skill at a time. I'm still really nervous about getting re-injured too. I have to admit though that while doing roundoff back tucks on the tumbltrak the other night I started to think about the twist again. Force of habit maybe. I told my husband I wouldn't do it again, but you never know.

We have silks at our gym and I've started learning how to climb them. I don't have the same fear factor since I've never been hurt doing them. It's sort of fun doing something new.

I still have about 3 weeks left until I am completely unrestricted. I can tell that there are some things my knee simply isn't ready for.

I'm glad we've become friends through our ACL injuries. It has meant a lot to me over the past 6 months.

I'm working on my routines for the masters games in Feb. Still not totally back on my hands yet, can do handstand and handstand forward roll now, but avoiding cartwheel and round-off because my left wrist is still healing. My right elbow flared up a week ago but is settling down again now.

I've got my beam routine going quite nicely, apart from the round-off dismount. We also do a 'conditioning' routine, that's going okay. On bar I'm just doing the circle-up, no back hip circle at the moment because I don't want to re-injure my wrist. I've been working on my floor routine, particularly connecting the elements and the timing of it with the music. I can only do half the routine at the moment because of leaving out the cartwheels and round-off. I also have to re-learn the dive roll.
I can't WAIT to go see my surgeon in two weeks, I feel I am strong enough for a full clearance, but I think right now it's a good thing the fear is there, b/c it helps me from doing stuff I'm not ready for lol. Still working tons of bars, my cast is back to horizontal already! I was working my glide swings to start working towards kips again, and apparently I have a habit of pulling my feet up AFTER I've reached my full glide and am headed back to the bar. My coach told me if I kept doing that I wouldn't be allowed to work them anymore, guess who fixed it real fast! :D

Ivy, I'm glad we have "gone through this together" too! It has definatley helped with my morale!! Here is to our dr apts next month and full clearance!!!
i finally got back into the gym on sunday! work is totally crazy with the holidays. i was sooo sore. it was like starting over. and now tonight is the last practice until monday, so it means more time off!
i've also started training for the warrior dash. we were jumping over the balance beams like the crazy open gym boys, and i'm going to try and run every morning with my dog.
check out the website and see if the warrior dash is in your town.
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a group of us will be doing this in the end of july, so we will probably compete the nationals in orlando, instead of the jr. olympics in new orleans.
Warrior Dash is AWESOME!!! I did the one in Georgia this year and I am looking forward to next year!!! the obstacles are great, be prepared to get covered in mud. Pick an earlier time slot if possible, as the day goes on the trail gets muddier and harder to run. I am still planning on competing in Orlando and New Orleans, the Warrior Dash in GA is in May :)

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