Woot! I am back. Could not get onto CB for a couple weeks due to some website snafu. I missed CB!
Anyway, rosiekat, our team had a similar experience last year with the level 6 boys, many who competed D1 would have done far better as D2 and missed going to states due to this. My own son competed D2 and placed very well (and in fact he scored well enough to qualify for D1 states but remained a D2 all season.) And I know some parents were not happy that their kids placed poorly as D1s when they presumably would have done better as D2s.
But those boys are
all Level 7s this season, and while our coach tried to have some compete as 7 D2s, it became clear after a couple meets that there were not enough in the state competing in D2 for it to make sense to continue with D2 7s. So as far as I know* they have all been competing as D1s for the last several meets, and letting the chips fall where they may- which is how it always was anyway, before divisions- boys who could not do many bonuses placed lower.
Not sure what the lesson here is, except the obvious that no matter what division a gymnast competes at a lower level, eventually those divisions either merge or the lower scoring kids go to JO optionals or JD and let the chips fall where they may. So, if kids are looking to
place well as ultimate goal, then divisions make sense. If the ultimate goal is having the challenge and fun of competing while focusing on personal improvement more than placement, I still do not see the point of divisions for any level.
One concern I have is what happens to kids who are D2 when D2 is no longer an option. In my son and his teammates case, they had competed for 2-3 seasons without divisions so in effect not having divisions again this year was not such a big deal. But for newbies coming up, it might be a rude awakening if they compete div 2 for 4&5 and possibly 6, and then not for 6 or 7.
As far as D2 7s being JD as suggested above, correct me if I am wrong but I think JD is only for 12 and over so many L7s would be too young. We do have a JD team but that is mostly older boys who started gymnastics training at a later age than our current 7s, most of whom started competing around age 7 as 4s and were 10 or 11 this year.
*The reason I am not sure is that my son who
would have been level 7 this season sustained a shoulder injury at the very beginning of the season and has been out of the gym entirely since January.