Time to say goodbye Bogwoppit

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I don't post much, but I've learned a great deal from you over the last few years. Thank you and happy future endeavors!
Thanks Bog for keeping us all on the straight and narrow and being kind enough to pass on your knowledge/experience with us!
HOW WILL WE FILL YOUR POSITION?! For real, you have been a solid, strong, reliable North Star for this entire forum. I cannot even count how many times you have been there to debunk a myth, defuse an argument, enlighten a newbie, provide a personal experience, recount a fun personal memory, etc.! I have developed immense respect for you over the years, and I can honestly say I’ve grown as a coach because of numerous things I have learned from you.

Thank you, so much…
Thank you for all the heart you have put in here. You will be missed, but hope you enjoy your next adventures! :)
You have been the glue.
Funny and kind and interesting glue!!
Have fun and know you have been much appreciated
Thank you so much for all of your wisdom, tact, knowledge and all you have shared here at CB. You will be truly missed! I wish you well and selfishly hope you check in from time to time!
Thank you for your years of service to this community! Also it was a pleasure to actually meet you years ago at Trials. Happy Trails!!
Thank you all for your kind words. I have had a lot of fun here over the years. Like GT I am not just going to vanish, but when stopping by it will be as an ex coach and ex gym parent, not to ban people or tell people to be kinder.

We are talking about members who could fill our shoes, the good news is there are great people here who definitely could fill our shoes easily.
Thanks Bog for sharing your years of wisdom with us! I appreciated having Chalkbucket as a place of support and information during my daughter's years of competing.
You will be so missed. You are so insightful and always politically correct.
You have been amazing on the site and meeting you in person.

I wish you all the best and you should pop in once in a while.

Happy New Year Bog....
You will be missed, I know that you have helped me on more than one occasion to calm down and see the other sides of certain issues, and I thank you for that!!!
You will be missed Bog! Thank you for all that you have done!
You will most definitely be missed but completely understand this decision. Thank you for all you have done for me & every other person on CB!
Oh just come across this having a catch up.

Enjoy your retirement @bogwoppit. Thank you for all those years, it's been great getting to know you- although I am still mad at myself for not making the kids miss training so I could meet up with you. Caught in the CGM cycle.

I too am coming to the end of the journey I think. Had enough of the madness and need to back away and re-enter real life. It's just gymnastics!

This place is a huge support and has kept so many of us sane. And you are a huge part of that,

Thank you :)

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