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I have created a new thread as the one I have been posting in is about something else and I have taken it off topic..

Today is youngest dd's rec class and I am planning on either speaking to the coach or setting up a meeting for a more convenient time to have a chat about moving dd out of one size fits all rec class, dd has been doing very well in her rec class and the age 4-7 year old rec class became too easy for her, she has just completed all her core proficiency badges a week ago (at the age of 6) and received her medal that came with the last badge, the next lot of badges she should be working on is the advanced proficiency awards - they do not do progression rec class where they work their way through stuff to advance, they just have a week or 2 of working on the skills needed to pass the badge before testing. Dd has just gone up to the 7+ rec class where they do work on slightly harder things and dd had no problems keeping up with the older girls.

Dd has expressed a wish to move out of rec to a more advanced group, she has been wanting this for a while but so far hasn't been selected to join any other group (they have a few different groups for dd's age range including advanced rec, development classes and a class that used to be Floor and Vault but now incorporate beam and bars as well. As far as I am aware its invite only to those classes.

I am going to let the coach know that dd wants to move out of rec and ask for a trial in one of the groups that might be suitable for her. From what I have seen dd's strength, flexibility and skill level is no worse than some of the girls been invited and in some cases she is better
Good Luck. Just be really open and honest and make sure they can be the same back.

Ask about a competition squad. Say she is keen to compete especially following her sisters opportunity. Ask about grade 14, in or out of age. Say you would love her to have the chance, you don't want to be a CGM, you would support her, what do they honestly think and do they have room for her somewhere on the competition pathway.

And smile a lot. It helps :)
You are right in wanting some answers and letting them know that your DD is interested in more. Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
Just got back from Gym..
As soon as I got to the Gym I went to the front desk and asked to make an appointment to speak to one of the coaches, the person who works at the front desk went into the Gym and asked one of the coaches when they were available to see me, the WAG head coach was available straight away, I had a chat with the WAG head coach about my youngest dd and came straight to the point saying who well I thought my dd was getting on and that she passed all her core badges and that dd wanted to go to a more advanced class and was there anything they could do. I was told that he was starting up a new development (pre team) class and that dd was on his list to join and that he had noticed dd just before the summer. They do testing once a term and the last big test they did was earlier this year and dd somehow missed that one, they done a test during badge week but as dd was already on the list for the new group they didn't test her again. I was told that the new group would have already have started but there is a coach turnaround - a couple leaving and possible a new one starting, the head coach did not want to start this new group and then not have any cover if he needed to be away. I was told we will hear something by November and if I wanted anymore information to speak to him, I told him that I would probably speak to him again in November if I hadn't heard anything, and if I had any other questions do not hesitate to speak to him. So it looks like dd will be moving out of Rec in a couple of months.

I must admit I was nervous about speaking to him but he was really great and made me feel at ease, I was quite shocked that he made himself available straight away - I was not expecting that. I do feel a bit silly about not approaching him sooner but it so hard to tell how approachable coaches can be.

The lead up to Christmas will be exciting
So glad you finally got your answer and relieved to hear the news! I hope they can find a coach soon!
Thanks, at least I don't feel crazy anymore thinking my dd was good at gym when maybe she wasn't as good as I thought, having the WAG head coach saying that he had noticed dd was something I was not expecting.

If I understand the way things work at our gym then the I think I understand the bigger picture now and the comments from some of dd's rec coaches and even her dance teacher (who comes in to teach the development groups Ballet) are falling into place, one of dd's coaches told me a few months ago that she was doing really well and she wouldn't be surprised if she ended up in the head coaches group and dd's dance teacher spoke to me the other day and how well she thought dd was doing in gym (dd does rec at the same time a one of the development groups she teaches Ballet to is on) and that she will probably get to teach dd in the gym soon.

I think the biggest lesson in all this is to learn not to be afraid of talking to the coaches, it would have saved all the months of me thinking that maybe dd was not good enough for one of their groups when all along she was. I now understand why dd wasn't picked for one of the other development groups with other coaches - dd was already on the radar of the head coach for one of his groups. The head coach would have already started this new group a few weeks ago but he didn't want to leave it without cover if he needed to be away for whatever reason so he thought it would be better to wait until November when they have another coach who could cover when needed. I was told to grab hold of him if I needed to now anything else, I just him that if I hadn't heard anything by November I will come and see him again and that I was quite happy to leave it with him until then.
I think the biggest lesson in all this is to learn not to be afraid of talking to the coaches,

Good lesson. I have this problem too. I get so concerned about looking like a CGM I never want to say anything. I'm so glad it worked out for you and your DD. And it's easy to see the signs AFTER, isn't it?
Update.. It is now November and I have heard nothing yet, the head coach for girls has just come back from a holiday and we have also just come back from a holiday, dd has been having some trouble in her rec class with a couple of girls picking on her and also has been having a coach that is (for want of a better word) not doing their job in a way that I expect (from a safety and supervision point of view). Is it too soon to have another chat with the head coach as if the present situation continues then I can't see dd wanting to continue in this class..

I think that I mentioned that a new group started up a few months ago and I thought dd was too old for it, it turns out that she isn't as there is someone her age in it (7), I am at a loss as to why dd wasn't asked to join as dd came through pre school gym with a couple of the girls that had been asked and dd is ahead of them skill wise etc, the way I am feeling at the moment is that dd is being snubbed (several move ups across a few groups have happened a couple of months ago and dd was invited to any) and we are being strung along without any intention to move dd up. Dd has been mentioned to the head coach and the head coach said he has noticed her and she is on his list for a new group he is starting but nothing has happened yet - maybe I am being too impatient (I am happy to wait as soon as I have confirmation other than verbal). I would like to know what is going on once and for all especially as dd is having a hard time in one of her rec classes through no fault of her own.
He told you November, and it's already November. It's not too soon for you to talk to him again. I think you definitely should! Good luck!
I don't think it's too soon to ask him again. Just to make sure y'all are still on the same page. Especially given the troubles she is having in her current class. Just be kind and not intrusive in your approach.
This is the only choice for gymnastics where you are right? There's no rhythmic gymnastics or acro or tumbling teams?
He told you November, and it's already November. It's not too soon for you to talk to him again. I think you definitely should! Good luck!

Agree, it is November! I would ask him (nicely) when the new group is going to start, and tell him your DD is super-keen to get started.
This is the only choice for gymnastics where you are right? There's no rhythmic gymnastics or acro or tumbling teams?

The Gym my dd go to is the best gym around for miles, has the best equipment and even an ex Olympian on board,the other gyms are more like a put up gym in halls etc, but they are no where near here. Dd does take dance classes and has been recently been selected to take her grade 1 modern exam after Christmas (teacher assessed her after having a few weeks off) at dd's dance school they do offer an acro class but I am reluctant to let dd do that as the facilities are no where near as good as the gymnastics club with only mats for protection, dd does have a coach that is on her side and will give her plenty of support and encouragement and this coach has recommended dd to the girls head coach but so far nothing much seems to be happening, it is frustrating to see girls move up randomly and dd is left in rec, these girls that have been moved up a few months go have no more skills (sometimes less), no stronger or no more flexible than dd, dd has competed all her core BG Badges before she turned 7 (she passed each one first time) while the others are at least 3 badges behind her. Why does things have to be so clouded over here, if dd didn't show much flair for gymnastics then it would be so much easier for her to stay in rec, it is especially hard at the moment especially when you read on here abut all the 3 year olds that seem to be put onto the team track without a blink of an eye in the USA, don't get me wrong I am happy for them but just wish things were that simple over here.

I think another chat with the head coach is in order before I go mad lol, I am prepared to fight for dd as far as I have to but I feel that it shouldn't be necessary as she has already been noticed, I felt happy after the last chat with the head coach but now it has left me with more questions lol.
Fight for her! Talk to the coach sometimes the persistent mom gets results.
I didn't talk to the head coach in the end, I didn't need too, the coach that dd had has asked dd to have a go at a class she teaches - she starts this week and her first class is 2 1/2 hours long, dd will be the youngest by nearly 3 years in this group (as far as I know), she has a trial to see how she copes as she only just turned 7 and the rest are 9-10 plus, the coaches only concern is if dd will have any fears (I expect her too given her age but hopefully this is something that can be worked on - Beam related)

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