TOPS testings info on USA Gymnastics site

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Hi 4theloveofsports she did 5 casts to HS she should get 10pts... I put 5 casts thats what she did should equal to 10pts not sure please let me know?????10yr old tester
Hi 4theloveofsports she did 5 casts to HS she should get 10pts... I put 5 casts thats what she did should equal to 10pts not sure please let me know?????10yr old tester
Great for your DD! I did wonder about the cast to hs but since you provided everything in terms of the score given at the testing, I thought that was the score she was given and not the number of casts. But that is great news. She may have a shot then. Let me know. And good luck. :-)
Ajenele - Here is what I estimate of points for your daughter comparing her results to our girls:

One question, did she do 10 leg lifts, or get 10 pts for leg lifts?

splits - 14.5
bridge - 5
LL - 10 or 5 (depending on number completed)
presses - 10
HS - 7
jump - 7
casts - 9
sprint - 6.5
rope - 4 (this is the only one that is purely a guess. one of our 8 year olds has close to your daughter's times on the on the other events, but we don't have one with a rope time close to that)

total 68 or 73 depending on the leg lifts
Ajenele - Here is what I estimate of points for your daughter comparing her results to our girls:

One question, did she do 10 leg lifts, or get 10 pts for leg lifts?

splits - 14.5
bridge - 5
LL - 10 or 5 (depending on number completed)
presses - 10
HS - 7
jump - 7
casts - 9
sprint - 6.5
rope - 4 (this is the only one that is purely a guess. one of our 8 year olds has close to your daughter's times on the on the other events, but we don't have one with a rope time close to that)

total 68 or 73 depending on the leg lifts

Thanks, she got credit for 10 leg lifts (5 points) & she only got 5 points for presses, so I'm guessing she missed it this year :( Oh well, I'll let you guys know when we find out for sure.
Letting my newb colors show... I don't know what any of this means. BUT congrats to all the girls who made it. Lot's of talent flying around this place. Congrats again! Very exciting news :)
Thanks for all your help...Bridge 5Casts 10Flex R10 L10Presses 6Leg Lifts 19Handstand Hold 24secsVertical Jump 22"Run 3.19Rope Climb 8.97Can I please get a tally based on another 10yr old tester. Still didn't hear anything...
Hi, congrats to your daughter I'm a mom of a 10yr old tester can you help with scores. I need to know if I should buy my plane tickets to Houston's my coaches are at Visa this week. Here are her scoresBridge 5Casts 10Flex R10 L10Leg Lifts 19Presses 6hand stands 24secsRope climb 8.97 secsMeter dash 3.19Can you help me based on those scores. Thanks would appreciate it! Last chance for my girl.
gymchic2001 - Here are my best guesses comparing her times to our girls-

bridge 5
casts 10
splits 10
presses 6
leg lifts 9.5
jump 9
sprint 6.5
rope 8
Handstand 3 to 4 pts (this is the one I'm not sure of, don't have a 10 yr old with time close, pts)
total - 67 to 68
Sigh...still waiting also....first time testing and coaches are at Visa Championships...might have to wait until it's posted on the USAG website LOL.

No she's 8 and did pretty well but you just never know...

Presses 9/10
LL 20 (10 pts)
HS 30 Sec (10)
Shoulder (5pts)
Splits 14/14.2
Run 3.23
Rope 5.25? (close)
Press Handstands (10 pts/5 presses)

Hoping it was enough.
No she's 8 and did pretty well but you just never know...Presses 9/10LL 20 (10 pts)HS 30 Sec (10)Shoulder (5pts)Splits 14/14.2Run 3.23Rope 5.25? (close)Press Handstands (10 pts/5 presses)Hoping it was enough.
Those are very good scores. You however missing the vertical jump. Not counting the run, rope and jump your DD already has 58. If she gets at least 4 on each of those, she is in. Her run is pretty good and she probably has an 8 on that. The rope is not a bad score either. Sorry I cannot be definitive. Hopefully, you'll hear from your coaches soon. Hang in there. It is very likely you'll hear good news soon.
@wandrewsjr, you're good! :) Your guesstimates were right on. She didn't make it this year, but it's a huge (20pt) improvement over last year. One more fact that shows me that our decision to switch gyms last year was the right one. She's not too sure whether TOPs is the 'right' fit for her anymore, but if she decides to stick with it I'm sure she'll rock it next year.

Good luck to everyone whose daughters made it to National testing & great job to all the girls who participated in the state tests!
OOPS vertical jump was 15.5 if I remember right......I hope to hear soon.
Gymnastics123, I have a 10yr old can you help with scores... We don't know as yet. My Daughters scores wereBridge 5Flex L10 R10Cast 10Presses 6Rope climb 8.97secsMeter dash 3.19secsVertical Jump 22"Handstand 24secs Leg lifts 19

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