Transition to girls' bleachers

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:)Hello! I was happy to find this forum. I am fairly new to girls gymnastics. My son competed USAG for 4 years up to level 7 until the drive and hours were too much for him at the age of 11. My daughter is now in her 3rd year.... her first as a level 5. I get the men's scoring but sure struggle with understanding the girls. I have a difficult time sitting in the bleachers during the competitions. I found this site looking for information about overcoming the fear of jumping to high bar and bar set rules. My dd had her first meet of the new season recently and let's just say there is tons of room for improvement! She gets so nervous and rushes through routines. Boys seem so much more laid back than girls, or is it me???? I have also have boys' meet director experience.:rolleyes:
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I do agree that boys are more laid back about gymnastics. I have one of each and my ds has never lost sleep over a meet. Dd can be up*worrying about an in house meet. I also notice this during meets. When you put snacks in the gym bags, the boys always eat theirs, but the girls seem to be too nervous to eat during meets.
Welcome to our gym world! I have a dd, but we do have a boy's team in our gym too and there is a huge difference. I think on the girls's side the coaches are racing to get as many skills in them before puberty and fear set in and they miss the window. Whereas with the boys they do not hit puberty until later and their window is much wider, so the coaches has more time to develope the boys.

At least this is my opinion! :p

GL to your dd in her level 5 season and I am sure we will cross paths over on the parents' board.
Welcome:)! Good luck to your dd one her first level 5 season! My dd is 10 years old and level 5 also. She just moved up and will not be competing until fall. She has everything except the dreaded kip! Even aside from gymnastics, I think boys are more laid back than girls;)! I have an 11 year old son (not in gymnastics), and I notice that!

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