Uh Oh...Slightly sprained thumb

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Mar 5, 2008
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DD had a private tonight and during her dismount on bars fell and bent her thumb under. She said that she toughed it out during the lesson and didn't cry (even though it hurt) because she didn't want coach getting upset about an injury 2 DAYS BEFORE STATES!!!:eek: So, when we got home we iced it and you can definitley tell that it is swollen. It is her right thumb and she says she can't bend it all the way down. UGH!!! The good thing is she has a field trip tomorrow so she won't have to use her hand to write and schools are closed on Friday so she can further rest it. She is supposed to have practice tomorrow and Friday evenings--we will see how her thumb feels. I am just HOPING and PRAYING that it gets better by Saturday morning--her session is 9:00am.

Wish us luck and please send all the "get better fast" fairies you can find!!!
I think I would see the Dr on that. Honestly it sounds like it might be fractured.
I would definitely get it checked out by a doctor before her meet, especially if she still is unable to bend it. If it is fractured and she tumbles on it, she could injure it more or worse, because of the fracture/pain fall and injure another body part.

Hoping that it is nothing and that it is all better really fast so she can have a good State meet.
UGH that really bites. I would see the Doc too if possible, working out on it could be a big no no if it is broken. Ice it as much as you can. Poor Dani.

Sending you the healing fairy by UPS same day delivery!
Oh no! I hope it heals quickly If it's still painful today, please run her to the doctor--just to be sure.
My dad checked her thumb out this morning (he is a retired hand surgeon, how convenient, eh??) and said it is a slight sprain. He didn't think she needed an xray. The swelling has gone down a bit and it is not bruised. She can move it more than last night, so my dad thinks it is not that bad. He wrapped it today to keep it immobile (just to be on the safe side) and we will ice it when she gets home from school. I figure if we ice it today and tomorrow and limit what she does at her practices, she should be okay for Saturday. Fingers crossed!!!
Excellent, great that you have a Dad in the business! Good luck to Dani for States, I think qualifying is such a huge deal and she has so much to be proud of.
Thanks Bog and everyone for the recovery wishes and good luck wishes for States!!! I'll keep you all posted!!
Poor Dani! Hope she feels better real soon!!! Some Motrin may help with pain & swelling too. Saying some prayers she feels back to her old self by Sat. morning! Good luck & keep us posted.
I hope it heals quickly! Give her some Motrin and ice it she should be okay. Good luck this weekend!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Dani, and then, we hope, on to kick butt at States! :D
Sending the thumb feel better fairies!! Bet once she gets out on the floor to compete, she'll forget all about it.
MGM, How is Dani feeling today? Think she'll be feeling well enough to compete tomorrow? I hope so!!! Sending the "quick healing" fairy.:)
Hi all--Dani is feeling better. I tell ya--epsom salt soaks really do help! She is able to move her thumb without it hurting. She has practice tonight to just run through the routines so I am thinking we should tape it up just to be on the safe side. If we ice some more tonight, she should be A-ok by tomorrow. Thanks for all the good wishes!!!

GJM - good luck to your dd tomorrow!!!!
well a DR in the family how convienent. Glad its not anything major. Just keep in mind its only gymnastics and her health isn't worth doing states if its not better.
well a DR in the family how convienent. Glad its not anything major. Just keep in mind its only gymnastics and her health isn't worth doing states if its not better.

Believe me, I'm not one of "those" parents LOL! She has NEVER had a sports related injury so this is the first. It just threw me off a little this close to states. I'm sure if your dd got hurt 2 days before states you would be freakin' too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Believe me, I'm not one of "those" parents LOL! She has NEVER had a sports related injury so this is the first. It just threw me off a little this close to states. I'm sure if your dd got hurt 2 days before states you would be freakin' too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think we all would be freakin' LOL. Its hard when its so close to a meet especially states.

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