Glad she had a good time 
Don't worry too much about trying to understand the scoring. Sometimes it's obvious why there are deductions, others it's being tenth'd to death, or, unfortunately, sometimes a judge can let personal opinions of a club get in the way of fair judging (you just have to hope the second judge is strong willed rather than just agreeing!).
As long as your daughter enjoys herself at each competition, it makes the medals she will win far better as she'll know she really deserved them

Don't worry too much about trying to understand the scoring. Sometimes it's obvious why there are deductions, others it's being tenth'd to death, or, unfortunately, sometimes a judge can let personal opinions of a club get in the way of fair judging (you just have to hope the second judge is strong willed rather than just agreeing!).
As long as your daughter enjoys herself at each competition, it makes the medals she will win far better as she'll know she really deserved them