Off Topic Un-laid-off and vacuum cleaners

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Proud Parent
Proud Parent
Jul 22, 2010
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How's that for a subject line?

First of all, thank you to all of you who posted words of support (and to those of you who thought them) when I posted last month that I was being laid-off. Well, I found out today that they've managed to shuffle some things around a bit and I am no longer being laid-off (at least, not right now). My job is changing slightly, which means I am taking over the position of someone else who IS still laid-off (she's not laid-off instead of me... we were both headed for the "furlough pool" but now I have been given a repreive) so that's a little uncomfortable, but I've been with the company longer and she doesn't have kids and she can get health insurance through her husband (mine is self-employed), so I guess I don't feel too too bad. I had visions of spending the summer with my kids, and top-to-bottom cleaning my house, but I think the peace of mind that comes with a good job and health insurance makes it worth putting up with a few dust bunnies. And my kids will just have to put up with seeing me after 4. Maybe my KIDS can top-to-bottom clean the house... best of both worlds! ;)

My husband and I, pary animals that we are, are going to celebrate my gainful employement by buying a new vacuum cleaner (speaking of dust bunnies). Anyone with pets have one that they love on hardwood floors and area rugs?
How's that for a subject line?

Maybe my KIDS can top-to-bottom clean the house... best of both worlds! ;)

That is terrific news MaryA!! Having a job vs. spending time with kids is really tough sometimes, but I hear ya' "The pay is much needed!"

As for what's above...Good Luck with that! Even a new and SHINY machine isn't enough to force the kids to 'break a sweat!" But I like your style!! A

A girl can dream....A girl CAN dream!!:D
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that is awesome news!!! im sure the girls wont be to glad about the head to toes house cleaning job ;). i know my brothers and i arent happy when my parents leave a full day of jobs to do during the summer.
Maybe my KIDS can top-to-bottom clean the house... best of both worlds!

Yeah Right!! Good luck with that!! LOL!! My kids look at me like I have a 3rd eyeball when I tell them to vaccuum!!

But seriously, glad to hear about your un-layoff. I know lazing by the pool with the kids is alluring!! But so is MONEY!!
So happy about the job situation. The right person got the job this time!

As for the vacuum, I will be reading closely as I need one too!
Awesome news about the job! About the vacuum, we have a Kenmore Progressive. There's a little switch on the handle that goes from carpet to hardwood floor, and its relatively light weight. It does the job well, and I would definitely recommend it.
Thats great news Mary. Im sure its such a relief to know you will still be employed. As far as the floors. The house we lived in for years had hard wood floors and I used a "dust mop" to sweep it. (vrs a broom or vacuum). The area rugs..well thats another story. I never did figure it out really. (because it was all tile or wood..we didnt have a vacuum..period) I did the old fashion method with those..took them outside..hung them over the clothes line and beat the heck out of them with a broom. (Im sure the neighbors enjoyed watching my 5'3" 115lb self hefting 2 different 8X10 rugs over the Then I would bring it in and use one of those sticky lint brushes to clean of the fuzzies and stuff. Im pretty anal about stuff. So I probably wouldnt advise to do things my If you have carpets in other places in the home (bedrooms..ect) I would def get a vacuum of some sort. (I just couldnt see spending the money on it to do my area i did things the hard sounds really stupid even to me They have so many now that go from hardwood to carpet. Good luck in your vacuum hunting adventures...and in getting the kids to use said vacuum
Ha, so now you get your great sense of humor/perspective; and your job as well! Some people have all the luck :)
That's great nwes! But coming from a gymmie... that cleaning probably won't happen, unless you threaten *gasps* to TAKE AWAY GYMNASTICS! That's why I do housework :rolleyes:

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