WAG Unofficial Visits and what to expect

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Granny Smith

Proud Parent
Jun 21, 2007
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Just curious if I can hear what others have experienced on an unofficial visit that was requested by the college. My dd will be heading on an unofficial visit in a couple of weeks to a school that has asked her to come see what they have to offer.

She is excited and any questions/comments that can be offered would be appreciated.

Thanks! :)
My brother went on some unofficial visits for swimming, which is probably at least slightly different, but mostly just aimed to get a feel for the school- campus size, class size, academic and athletic facilities, coaches, their philosophy (emphasis on sports or academics), resources available to athletes, etc. Mostly just a regular college campus visit but with the added piece of looking into some more sport specific questions and meeting with coaches.
Congrats to your DD on getting the invites, I hope it's a great experience for her!
I would find out exactly what contact she will have the team and coaches. I'm not sure if this is done any more because of liability, but I know of at least one circumstance where someone worked out with a team on an unofficial visit. This was years ago and now this may be forbidden, not sure, I coach younger kids and don't think about this stuff very much. Someone else can probably answer whether this would be a possibility. But anyway I would guess you can observe a practice (except during the unallowed period). She's a junior?
Is she a junior or senior? My son went on unofficial visits for soccer. He did not practice with the team or anything, but he was paired up with a soccer player (or two). Met with the coach, talked about the program, met with the team, depending on the season and availability). if I remember correctly, his visits were off season so he didn't see a game but I think he went to the gym with some of the guys from the team (not official soccer practice but workouts). I'm pretty sure senior year, when he was close to committing (soccer season is in the fall) he spent a weekend there and went to a Friday night game

Sounds very exciting for your daughter, I hope it all works out!
Just curious if I can hear what others have experienced on an unofficial visit that was requested by the college. My dd will be heading on an unofficial visit in a couple of weeks to a school that has asked her to come see what they have to offer.

She is excited and any questions/comments that can be offered would be appreciated.

Thanks! :)
My dd and I went on an unofficial visit when she was going into her 3rd yr. of level 10 and was a Jr. We met with all 3 coaches to get to know each other and talked informally for about an hour. Then we went on an individual tour of the University with one of the coaches. He spent about 2 hours walking us around and showing us everything. He had us individually meet with the Dept. Head in her major for about an hour. We also individually met with a guy who spent about an hour going over the admissions process and more general info. We broke for lunch seperately, which gave my dd and I time to discuss what we had seen so far. We then watched a 3 hr. practice with dd out on the floor with the girls but NOT practicing herself. I sat on the sidelines in a chair. After the practice, we met again with all 3 coaches and went over questions and they watched her recruiting video with her and discussed specific expectations and talked about her resume. The girls from the team invited her out to dinner. We spent about 8 hours in total with them. It was more intense than I expected, but I'm not sure what I expected!
Thank you so much for the responses. My dd is a junior and she is going on the visit in-season so she should get to see the team in action and actually meet some of the girls. I will definitely keep an open mind and try to be prepared for any situation that might come up. If anyone else has any experiences, I would love to hear about them...

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