Actually, the hours practiced has been rather beaten to death (on many threads) and varies by huge levels, no matter the division.
Didn't start the thread to talk about hours or levels (beyond what skills are required for the levels).
Our gym has been in business a long time. They have done things this way for a lot longer then we have been at the gym and well over a decade. And their minimum hours required are what they are. And we have some pretty strong gymmies. We have kids get scholarships to college. We have had kids branch out to other sports and gotten college scholarships. We have had other L10s in the past. Its cool.
More importantly the hours work for us (as in my daughter and our family).
We currently have at least one Level 9, not sure if she is going to be a 10 this year and I am not sure who might moving from our 7/8s. If it is not my girls level, I just don't pay much attention, beyond some curiosity concerning her next potential level as that gets closer.
So our gym life here is Level 4 for JO and a mild curiosity about IGC, because last time we did it was Copper.
So for those who shared the links thanks.
If any one has what skills per level. I would love that information.
Beyond that there is nothing to add.