Off Topic Washed Ipod??

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Dec 8, 2007
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Don't tell me im an idiot but yes I washed my ipod. Any ideas on how to fix it? I've only had this ipod for a month!

Any donations for a new ipod? ahaha
Oh Rose.... *shakes head*

Honestly, its probably beyond being fixed and will probably need to be replaced.

My sis has washed her Ipod before...more then once!
here i already posted this in chat...but
sorry that really sucks. umm if you take it to the apple store they you can set up an appointment for free and then you bring your ipod in. if its under warrenty they just give you a new one if they can't fix it!
nygymfan- was her ipod ok?

yeah my dad said it wouldnt work bc the warrenty isnt for like washing it just for like cracks and junk like that
seriously??? take it in anyways because when i broke mine I took it in and they said they couldn't fix it so they gave me a new one!
Yeah I should take it in but obviously not on Easter. I have like $120 saved up to buy a new one though
They'll probably replace it. They've done it for me twice. The first time was for a dead HD and battery (they died at the same time, impressive). The second one will be later today (dying hard drive).

Am I the only one who names her ipods? My first was Vivian Charlotte, and this one is Guinevere (after a friend's daughter).
They'll probably replace it. They've done it for me twice. The first time was for a dead HD and battery (they died at the same time, impressive). The second one will be later today (dying hard drive).

Am I the only one who names her ipods? My first was Vivian Charlotte, and this one is Guinevere (after a friend's daughter).

hha ya my ipod's name is "Robin's Ipod" very creative.

and gymgymgymnast08 my brother also washed his you are not the only one lol
I'm guessing you turned it on to, like right after you got it out of the wash? That's only natural right? Well ya, my brothers friends/dad (who are all nerds) said it might have worked if he let it dry before turning it on. so ya. but you prob already turned it your best bet is the warranty thing.
but hopefully it all works out for you.

It just like stood up in the closet for a week then it was dry and fine!!!!!!!!!!

Now i have all the money I saved up for my ipod to go shopping! GK outlet here I come!!!! haha
Wow thats awesome! I really didn't think that would work! Did you have a lotta money saved up?
They'll probably replace it. They've done it for me twice. The first time was for a dead HD and battery (they died at the same time, impressive). The second one will be later today (dying hard drive).

Am I the only one who names her ipods? My first was Vivian Charlotte, and this one is Guinevere (after a friend's daughter).

I do! :) Mine's named Rebecca at the moment- after Rebecca Bross.
I don't know if it works for ipods, but here's how to dry a wet cellphone. DS when to an outdoor rock concert last weekend and got caught in a thunderstorm downpour. He was soaked and so was his phone. (It was completely dead - would not even turn on) I took the battery out and put both battery and phone in a bowl and covered them with a rice - just plain old white uncooked rice. 24 hours later the phone was dry and works fine again.
yes rice works well too. my brother dropped his in the toliet yes the toilete(it was tucked in his pants and well fell out. he let it sit in his closet for about 9 months thinking it was broken. one day he was curious and went to go find it and it worked again! LOL. he never told my parents because it was in the same 4 days that he dropped his phone down a waterfall.
A little late, but I was going to say let it dry out for a day or so and try it. I washed my son's iPod that he left in his pants pocket and, while the screen was cracked in two places, it did work the next day. Glad yours worked too:)

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