Web Server Returning Error Message

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Proud Parent
When I try to go to chalkbucket on my phone, I get an error page that says "Web Server Returning an Unknown Error." This only happens on my phone. If I access the forums on my laptop they work fine. I'm using an android and chrome browser. I'm using the same browser on my windows laptop.

This is what I see:
I was getting this as well, had to delete all the cookies and saved site settings from Chrome and then it would load again.
Actually... it looks like Cloudflare has been partially re-routed in the Washington area the last couple of days.
Is it still doing it now?
Still getting the error. Only on my phone, not on my laptop. Works if I go to incognito and log in on my phone as the previous poster said they tried. I have no idea what is up (but I am in WA)!
I'm in WA also but it is still doing it. I will say its not on every device. I'm my android it only works on incognito but in my iPhone it works on the normal browser

This is really odd.

Ok... clear your cookies and try again. I made some more changes.
Its finally working for me! I have been having the 520 error for weeks on my computer, and could only (sometimes) logon on my phone. Thank you!
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I have not been able to get into Chalk Bucket for a couple of months now on my computer which is where I use it the most. I didn't know if it was on my end or Chalk Bucket's end, but I just thought I would try this morning and I was able to get in. At first, I got the error message, then I could get into the website but when I clicked a topic, I got the error message, and now finally I am able to get into the topic, read the responses, and obviously reply.
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If anyone else is having any sort of issues with the site... please let me know.
If anyone else is having any sort of issues with the site... please let me know.
I didn't really have a way to contact you since when I tried to get to any post or message I got an error. I thought about it and almost sent you a message through facebook but just didn't. I am glad it magically resolved!
I didn't really have a way to contact you since when I tried to get to any post or message I got an error. I thought about it and almost sent you a message through facebook but just didn't. I am glad it magically resolved!

You can always contact the site via email at [email protected].
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