What are some goals everbody has for summer?

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my goals are round off backhandspring layout on floor, BHS on high beam, and kip clear hip to 3/4 handstand and flyaway on bars :D
Vault- Tsuk, and keep working yurchenkos
Bars- consistent giants, straddleback or pirouette, free-hip handstand
Beam- just got my bhs-bhs on high beam! round-off full dismount, switch-leap back tuck, possibly bhs-bhs-backtuck/layout dismount
Floor- RO-whip-bhs-full, front handspring flo-ft, keep working double backs and start working whip halfs
and improve my flexibility!
i have the same problem with my FHS FT! i had it and lost it and now i need it again!
i'm aiming for a lot of the same: tsukahara, cast handstand, back handsprings on beam, ROBHS back half on floor
I do t&t so goals a bit different. I basically have 5 months left until competition season starts in that time I want on trampoline a double back that is connected to another skill so it can be the start of my optional routine. I need a half out tuck which I have into the pit onto a mat but need for trampoline. I need my compulsory routine nice. I am still freak out about the cody a bit. I also need my rudi consistant connected in and out of skills. I think those goals are manageable. I want to compete as a level 10 but don't believe I will have some high great dd straight out of the box. I would also really like a front 1 and 3/4 because it is a nifty skill but right now my air awareness needs some work.

For double mini I need barani on double back dismount which I just got, so it needs to be cleaned up and I need some kind of 3rd pass. I got a back straight rudi. I am hoping for a double front half out but my coach thinks I need it connected out of a back tuck while I think a tuck jump would suffice for now but she is the coach so I guess that is another goal :-)
My goals are different too. I want to get more involved in coaching and helping my niece with her gym. But I also want to start consulting other doctors. I feel like the time I've taken off from my spondylolisthesis has helped. I haven't done any gym. But even if it means surgery, depending on what it is, if it meant I could do gym again I'd consider it. I might never be able to compete at the level I was L 10/D I college routines, but if I could just be back in the gym somehow!!! I miss it so so so so much and it's only been a little over a year since I got pulled from my team.
Scratch that apparently I'm out for good. So I'm moving on to coaching and being a gym aunt. Sigh. I just can't bring myself to remove the gymnast from my profile. That's how I've always defined myself. But yeah new summer goal is to start a club gym team at the college I transferred to and I'll coach them and get USAG cert and everything.
Scratch that apparently I'm out for good. So I'm moving on to coaching and being a gym aunt. Sigh. I just can't bring myself to remove the gymnast from my profile. That's how I've always defined myself. But yeah new summer goal is to start a club gym team at the college I transferred to and I'll coach them and get USAG cert and everything.

Aww, Bri I'm so sorry! You'll always be somehow connected to gymnastics though. Once a gymnast always a gymnast. I'm sure you'll do great at coaching. :)
To get all the level 6 skills!!!Let's see...that would include...~back tuck~front tuck~back walkover(beam)~long hang pullover~flyawayI've got a lot of work to do, cuz summer is already half way over!!
My goals are pretty similar to yours.

~back extension (which I kinda have but I can't hold the handstand)
~front limber (I guess, we're not really working on them but I just got my front walkover so...)
um.... I think that's it...

~Kip (lol maybe... I'm really good with a spot!!)
~stoop (GAH I'm scared to put my feet on the bar!!! I feel like I'll fall forwards!!)
~front hip circle? (for some reason, they don't work with us on this but I want it anyways!!), and... that's about it..

Beam: (I know I'll never meet any of these goals, I'm TOO SCARED!! :mad:)
~Cartwheel on high (I have it almost always on low... but I'm scared of high beam!! I've done it on "medium" beam before but now I'm scared of that too!)
~Handstand on high (Not side handstand, but a normal handstand... I'm afraid I'll fall over and DIE!!)
~Back walkover on low (I only recently got it on floor, so I just started it on beam. They're HARD!)
~A GOOD round-off dismount (I know, they're easy, but sometimes I feel like my hands will slip off the beam so I go really slowly and I just, like, plop down...)

~Handstand flat back by myself!! (Had it last year... lost confidence in myself... trying to get it again!!)

So... yep!
Guess what's really funny? I thought I would get almost all of my goals except for the beam goals.

Turns out, I got all the beam goals and no other goals!! XD

I got a cartwheel on high beam at camp... next class I got a handstand on high beam and my round-off dismount improved greatly... and just today, my FIRST DAY EVER doing back walkovers on beam, I got it by myself on low beam!!

My new beam goal is to get a back walkover on HIGH beam!! I have a bunch more classes left, I'm sure I can do it!! :D

The one goal I REALLY REALLY need is a ROBH cuz I can't get on team until I have it! But I don't want to be stuck in a class with like 18 people from 9-13 that are still trying to get cartwheels on floor beam and front walkovers! Well, I'd only have to deal with it til December, and a new session starts in 2012. Still... the sooner the better! ;) I mean, I have some level 5 skills, one level 6 skill (back walkover on beam), and I'm working on others! So... yeah!!! :P
Bars - consistent giants, two in a row giants, giant straight to flyaway, clear hip to 45 above horizontal
Beam - FHS on medium beam (eeeek), barani full dismount
Floor - good back layouts, start working front layouts, switch leap full (can't compete it at level 7, ugh), switch side half (again, can't compete it), front tuck-front tuck on tumble trak
Vault - handspring full to pit, good handspring 1/2 to mats, start working tsuk timers again sometime?
To keep it short, my goal is to get all the level 9 skills so I can go level 9 this season, and to stay injury free. (Even though I have several injuries atm. :/)
Well I have a few myself. I need to get a backwalkover backhandspring on high beam, a round off backhandspring back layout half. I have to get a tsuke layout on vault then giant giant layout flyaway. Do you think that i can get that goal this summer. It's a little harder to get for me at my level but I have a good amount of time left.
I want to do my fly away. Thats my biggest fear and its taking me so long to learn it but I am so close and almost there lol I also want to get my beam skills back since I hurt my ankle and lost pretty much all of them. The backhandspring on beam would be cool to get again too :)
@d0nut_l0ver: sorry I haven't answered! I haven't been on her like, all summer. But, that's awesome that you got over your fear of handstands and cartwheels :D That's a good idea to have my coach spot me, and when she thinking I'm ready, not spot me and don't tell me. She did that on bars for my pullover and back hip circle a long time ago, because whenever I knew she wasn't there, I wouldn't keep my hips to the bar. But when I thought she was there, even though she wasn't, I did fine. :)

I'm still working on the cartwheels and handstands, but hopefully I'll get them by the end of summer. :) Good luck with all your other skills!

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