WAG What are these mats used for?

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Proud Parent
Dec 2, 2014
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There are two of these mats and another two that are narrower, about half as wide, and have buckles instead of strap like in the picture. I have no idea what the purpose for these are. Anyone know?

I was thinking they'd be used as a very small resi - i.e. to land skills onto - but I'm not sure about the strap/buckle and the narrower one wouldn't work for that most likely.
Ditto the pole vault mat idea. My schools put had 8 sections, 4 of them looked much like the ones in the picture. Might be used for some sort of preschool set up now
I don't know what they were designed for, but I have some ideas: obviously as part of a pre-school obstacle course, they look like they could be propped up and used for all sorts of clear hip drills (sorta like: ) or set up side by side for various casting/circling stations, maybe front layouts (sorta like: ).
I appreciate all the responses. More ideas on how to use them would be great. Right now they are only used for rec class obstacle stuff. My concern with the front layout set up is they are very squishy so getting the firm support for the arm would be difficult. I will have to play around with buckling them to the other pair and see what comes of it. Keep the ideas rolling!
All types of rolling, back extensions, Kickovers, tick tocks, drills for heel drive, drills for casting, beginner pullovers, Toe shoot drills, if the top is very soft you can use it for introducing back tucks, all kinds of coditioning of course, I'm sure I'll come up with more ideas if you give me time to think about it.
We create a set-up similar to that using a mat stack and a cheese mat when introducing the set for back tucks. Set to a candlestick-backward roll down the cheese. Not sure how tall they are, so you might need to set them up on top of another mat for taller kids.
Clear hip drills. Casting. Lots of kids like a big squishy mat on bars when they are first learning skills, the height of that makes it better- squat ons, cast handstands.
I agree with clear hip drills. Can't find videos on it, but basically stack up mats equal with low bar. Put the mat/resi/thing on top. Have girls grab the bar, lying on the resi thing. Have them do 2 candlesticks (while holding bar) then circle around bar like the second half of a free hip. We do these with xcel golds and training 6's.
I got the narrow pair cleaned up today and had a chance to buckle them together. They buckle nice and tight side by side. This week I'll be playing around with them for drill set ups. I think for clear hip drills definately. I'll have to post some pics and maybe it will jog more brainstorming on ways to use them. Thanks for all the ideas so far!

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