Parents What does it take to make the team?

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Here in the west the youngest groups DD competed with were the 7- 8 year old L5(old), and she has continued to usually be in the youngest group until repeating level 7 (still second to youngest). Her gym didn't compete old L4/new L3, and the youngest kids moved to team and trained L4 was 6, most girls stayed in a pre-team setting until 7 (doing about 5 hrs a week). Her new gym does compete L3 and had some 6 year olds compete it last year, but they still only do 3-7 hours a week - and were outscored by miles by the 8-10 year old L3s....

I will say that although I think its reprehensible to think an 8 year old would be too old for a level you can not compete unless at least 6, I do understand that some gyms are operating on the "get them as may skills before puberty hits" approach. It was good DD hit optionals before her brain got mushy and fear set in - had she followed the usual "late-bloomer" pattern of gymnasts she would likely have made it to L9 before everything grew an shifted and became "complicated". For most girls it really does set them back a while...

So I think a balanced approach of not holding them too long in lower levels (unless the gym does tons of uptraining) but gymnastics isn't just for future Olympians! The 8 year old pre-teamer may turn out to be a fantastic L10 some day...or not but you really can't always be sure. (And the star 7 year old may quit when the going gets tough...)

Always best to ask the coaches, in a setting where they have time and its appropriate to talk....MOST understand that we just want to know what to expect!
Thanks everyone! The coaches she has had have been great with her. I guess I would love a check list or something! I'm probably not going to make a great gymnastics mom since I like concrete things and scoring is probably more subjective?:( Guess I need to just calm down and be patient. From what y'all have said, she has time for the team and her time will come. And even though she would love to go to the Olympics I know that is not realistic for her.
Sit back, and relax.....enjoy her amazing successes and hug her and tell you you love her when she falls.....let the coaches handle the rest.
DD was 8 for L3 last year, and was in the second youngest sage group of 5 groups, her team mate was a younger 8 and she was with the youngest of all, some 6, more 7s and young 8s. She is now in the young L4 group and she is in the youngest age division at 9.

My DD was L3 last year, and always in the oldest age group. I'm hoping that as she moves up to L4 this year (not a definite just yet, but I'm still optimistic), that maybe she won't be in the absolute oldest group this year. During some less-than-confident times last year, being the oldest doubled the hit to her confidence. (at States, she was in the oldest session, but she was in the youngest group there, so I made a point to show her just how many more girls are older than her. And that these were only the ones that made it to states, that there must be many more out there).
Oh, and boys and girls are different in many ways, but DS the eldest was a late starter and slow learner, always in the "11 and up" group for 3 years - and now is exploding with skills 3-4 levels ahead of where he competed last any case, he says he never really wanted to quit (I would have....) and always had fun even when he was a "terrible gymnast"....this is more common in boys than girls but there are tons of older girls in optionals really enjoying gym, staying fit, progressing and being leaders on their teams!
8 is NOT too old for JO and I'd leave any gym that said so. My DD started old L4 at 9 and has done very well for herself so far. They may just not want to add to the team so close to the season? Compulsories do fall here and they did team tryouts months ago. Skills tests are in August for girls already on team.
I agree with others...8 is NOT too old for L3. My own DD is almost 8 and she is the youngest on her L3 team. That would mean she'd most likely hit Level 10 around 13. If she has college aspirations she'd be an L10 for 5 years!

Talking with the coaches is best to figure out what their plan is.

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