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Welcome to the CB! I am relatively new here, too.

We were in a similar sort of situation with my DS this year. At our gym the kids stay in the tot program until they turn 5. This is supposed to be without question. By the time my DS turned 4, it was clear he needed to be moved up. He was bored, easily distracted, and "lapping" they other kids in his group after spening a full year at the max tot level. Coach thought he needed to be challenged a little more. He suggested moving him up to the developmental class, offered preteam, etc. We had a lot to mull over. To add to this, DS was also old enough to realize that big sister was with only girls and he wanted to be with "just boys". At our gym, our developmental classes (which begin at age 5) is where they split the genders.

Well, we waited until the session that started right after he turned 4.5 before we bumped him up to the boys developmental class. In retrospect, I wish we had waited. While he had "outgrown" the tot classes, it's now clear that he was not ready for the "big boy classes". He is the smallest boy by 4-5 inches (easily), and it really bothers him as they often have to make accommodations for his size (moving the bar, adding mats, etc). He also misses the "fun" of the tot classes, including getting his hand stamps afterward. Poor kid is now learning skills, not just bouncing and running amok with the occasional handstand or cartwheel thrown in. ;) There isn't a week that goes back that he doesn't ask to go back on to the "tots team" (My DD is on team, so they're all "teams" to my DS!). Tot director is holding firm that DS should not move back down, that he'll adjust. We'll see.

Another comparison: My DD's group's age range is 5.5-8 right now. The youngest girl is the youngest by 8 months. It is noticeable, and even the adorable little girl is struggling with it. She cries some classes because she feels the pressure to keep up with the big girls (it's coming from within her, it isn't being put upon her at this age), and also dislikes being the "smallest".

I understand that your DD is only 2.5, so she may not notice these things just yet. But just thought I'd offer an alternate point of view, not to discourage you from moving her up. The 3-5 may not be too bad for her, especially if she's already doing ok in it. But yes, I agree that one class per week is enough at that age! With DD we didn't double up classes until she was 5, and it was for an invite, add-on strength/flex class. For my DS we added a second class over the summer, but that was with no preschool, etc. We're now back to one, with him being back in pre-k. Right now we like to expose him to all his options, and don't want to limit him. Heck, even my DD still does some other sports, but each time she's bumped up in hours per week, we lose some of that.

Hope this helps. Again, not trying to be a negative nancy, just sharing an alternate point of view.
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I thought I'd throw my two cents in as a coach and director of a gym. Our program is structured like many others- we rarely move kids up until they're ready and we do not even begin to consider kids for our developmental team program until they are 4 years old. Of course, we look at the three year olds and say things like "I can't wait till that one turns four" to each other, but that is our rule and we stick to it... no matter what natural talent we see. Also, our gymnasts are not allowed to come more than once a week until 4 years old... we don't even offer that option.
I came from a program that was very VERY interested in getting the girls in as young as they could and as a general rule, the ones that started the structured programs early were the first ones to burn out where the girls who started at 5 or 6 stuck with it longer. There are exceptions to every rule of course... but that was what I noticed.
However, gymnastics is so beneficial in many ways that will lead to helping in any sport you may choose later on, so if your DD enjoys it... stick with it and don't let those coaches bully you into doing something you're not comfortable with! :-)
I agree with others who suggested keeping her in the once a week 45 min slot. I completely understand having a little one (3) who wants to be at the gym all the time. She loves gymnasticcs and her coach has asked if we would like to move her to the 4-5 year age group which would be ten minutes longer, but we declined. The main reason being stability..she really like her current coach and the kids in her time slot. She would love to be able to be with bigger kids during class, but she doesn't know the difference (as in, she doesn't know she has the option).

But I think it's important that such young children aren't entirely focused on one thing. I would guess that if she had started in a dance class, a music class, or an art class, that she would be just as interested in them. For instance, my daughter started a dance class and she absoutely loves it and talks about dance all the time now. She really likes the other kids in the class. But that class session is over next week! She is also involved in an art class that is in the same room as her arts based preschool. She loves painting and art, and loves gymnastics and dance! It's so fun to see her enjoying so many activities and equally excelling in all! I will admit that gymanstics is the most enjoyable for me so far because I know nothing about it, and it's a learning experience for both her and I.

My DD didn't start any activities until she was 3 years old (a ripe 3). She tried gymanstics first, because they had a really good deal for the summer. She did a day camp and also did class once a week. We have continued since then. But there have been so many big changes lately with her going to school, etc., and it's hard for her to adjust! Is your DD involved in any other activities yet? Will you be sending her to preschool?

WOW my post is completely rambling! Sorry!

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