WAG What is ALL info I need to know for IGC!

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Jun 15, 2024
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I am going to IGC soon and I like being prepared, so any former campers, does anybody have any extra info I need to know like extra items to pack, what to expect, or really anythinggg!
Hey! This year will be my second year at IGC, here’s some stuff to help!

Here’s the rundown:
Sunday- check in, meet your cabin, cabin dances! Cabin dances are so much fun! Make sure to think of some songs in your weeks theme before you come, you aren't allowed to search any songs or lyrics while at camp!
Monday- 1st day of gym! You get to set all of your goals! Make sure your goals aren’t too crazy, but make sure they will challenge you to get better! It’s also the first day of rec! Some of my favorite activities are the water slide, volleyball, Gaga ball, and karaoke! Monday night is also the QNA with the celeb guest(s)! It is so cool to learn about famous figures in gymnastics!
Tuesday-Thursday: This is the middle of your trip! Enjoy the gym and rec, and work hard! These are the days where you bind tighter with your new friends! Tuesday night is the handstand, flexibility, and strength contests! One person from each cabin represents for each challenge! It’s super fun to watch or participate! Wednesday night is the color run! Make sure to bring a white shirt and shorts, and a sharpie if you want your cabin mates to sign your shirt! I brought a sharpie and that shirt now lasts as an amazing memory from my experience! Thursday night is s’mores and the dance party! This is a great time to hangout with your friends and chill!
Friday- Friday is the last “real” day at camp! Make sure to work extra hard to achieve your goals at gym and enjoy the time with your friends! Friday night is the award ceremony and the staff gymnastics show! All of the gymnastics counselors and staff out in a show for the campers! It is so cool to see your counselors and coaches doing flips and tricks! The award ceremony is for the most dedicated and kind campers from each group!
Saturday- the last day :( enjoy it!

General tips:
-Don’t be hesitant to make new friends! My biggest regret was not being outgoing at first. By day 3 I had already made so many friends because I put myself out there! Everybody is so nice!
-Be involved with your coaches!
One of my biggest regrets was not talking to my coaches enough! Don’t be hesitant to ask questions or for help!
-Talk to your counselors!
They are there to help! Each cabin has one gymnastics and one rec counselor! For me, by group placement was a bit to low (training second year XP with girls who just finished XG) I wish I had talked to my counselor to help me move groups in order to be more challenged!
-Bring sneakers!
Some of the walks are long and brutal, especially in flip flops!
-don’t focus too much on cabin points!
Each week there is a cabin of the week! If your cabin wins, you get a pizza party in Friday night. But, in order to win it takes a lot of dedication. There are certain activities you must do during rec and you must stay at that activity to get the most amount of points. Don’t focus on points!!! Your whole point is to have fun, not to stress over points! Do what you want, you can get pizza any normal day!
-Memorize your phone number!
My cabin all exchanged phone numbers on the last day to exchange phone numbers so we can keep in touch! Either memorize your phone number or write it down in a notebook (bring a notebook to write veryone else’s numbers and journal)

Enjoy your time at IGC! It is the best week of the summer (imo) make new friends and have funnnn!

Also, what week are you going? I’m going week 3!!!!
Some additional things I like to pack are a notebook to write peoples letters horn numbers and journal my days, and a sharpie for people to sign my white shirt at the color run! I also like to bring my string bracelet kit, lots of people make string bracelets during free time! Also, how old are you/what level are you? Maybe we will be in the same group/cabin!
Some additional things I like to pack are a notebook to write peoples letters horn numbers and journal my days, and a sharpie for people to sign my white shirt at the color run! I also like to bring my string bracelet kit, lots of people make string bracelets during free time! Also, how old are you/what level are you? Maybe we will be in the same group/cabin!
Ok thanks! I am 13 and Xcel Platinum.
Thank you so much for all of the info!! I really appreciate it! I’m going week two!
My daughter is going week two. She is going into sixth grade and is a level 8.

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