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Sounds like your daughter is doing great. I think most of us can admit it does feel good when a third party (like another random parent) genuinely notices and remarks on your child's ability. :rolleyes: :D

Make sure you get a conversation with the right person, though. The front desk may be a good start but often doesn't have much info on your daughter's progress, and may be minimally helpful about path to team. Ask about talking specifically to whomever makes decisions about team/pre-team. "Hi, my daughter has developed a love for gymnastics and is highly interested in competing for a team. Who do I need to talk to about the team path?" If there's an obvious clear answer/process, start there. If they seem unsure, ask if there is either a pre-team or compulsory coach you can talk to, and how to best set up a meeting.
Thank you, this is so helpful!
Is there an email available? Can you send an email asking what the evaluation process for team is? My guess is there is something she doesn't have if she hasn't moved up because if the substitute coach was a team coach she would fixed things when she saw it most likely. I sub for or observe classes all the time and immediately move the kids up. So the regular instructor may be an issue but knowing there was another instructor recently makes me wonder. I'm not saying there's a big thing she's missing, just that it might be something. Hopefully you can find out. Can you list her skills? Does she have a pullover on bars? Pull up? Bridge kickover?
Is there an email available? Can you send an email asking what the evaluation process for team is? My guess is there is something she doesn't have if she hasn't moved up because if the substitute coach was a team coach she would fixed things when she saw it most likely. I sub for or observe classes all the time and immediately move the kids up. So the regular instructor may be an issue but knowing there was another instructor recently makes me wonder. I'm not saying there's a big thing she's missing, just that it might be something. Hopefully you can find out. Can you list her skills? Does she have a pullover on bars? Pull up? Bridge kickover?
I was definitely thinking about sending an email, it's always so hectic when we are at the gym it's hard to make time to chat with any of the coaches/staff.
The skills she has right now are:
Forward and backward rolls
No bridge kick over yet...that's higher than the level she's at.
Vault approach
She's very close to a front walkover...she's kind of naturally teaching herself from doing handstands.
They rarely go on bars anymore which makes me kind of angry (she's always been strongest on bars) she's close to her pullover but she hasn't tried it in a while...again, since her coach never takes them on the bars anymore...I've never seen her attempt a pull up.
Small jumps and leaps on beam...
Most preteams will require a pullover...they may get into a younger developmental group without one (preschool preteam feeder type programs) but a pullover is pretty much the line in the sand once a kid is 6+. Anything exercising her upper body at the playground will help (I.e. Monkey bars).
Most preteams will require a pullover...they may get into a younger developmental group without one (preschool preteam feeder type programs) but a pullover is pretty much the line in the sand once a kid is 6+. Anything exercising her upper body at the playground will help (I.e. Monkey bars).
I'm happy to help her work on it at the playground, but should I say something to her coach about the fact that they never go on the bars anymore in the gym? (It's seriously been like 8 weeks since they've touched the bars)
That seems weird. I wonder why. Are the bars busy during their class time? I think you need to change her class or just inquire about the evaluation process first, see if you can find out more info. When you talk to whoever is in charge, then if they bring up bar skills you could casually say you didn't realize because your daughters class never went to bars the last few months. Just be casual and slip the info in. But overall I think you have to find a way to change her class. There's no Saturday classes?
I agree that you need to change her class. I am super picky about classes my kids take and when we were looking for a gym initially, we did trial classes at several places before we found preschool coaching I was happy with and willing to pay for. Complaining about the coach isn't going to help and I'm not sure asking about the steps to team will either when her coach isn't really paying attention, because the procedure would probably be to ask her coach what she thinks and it sounds like her coach really has no idea. I know your schedule isn't super flexible, but I would choose a later-night weekday class over the one you are currently in to get a better coach.
I'm not sure asking about the steps to team will either when her coach isn't really paying attention, because the procedure would probably be to ask her coach what she thinks and it sounds like her coach really has no idea.

Perhaps, but I would still advocate for getting a conversation with a team coach about steps to team. Everything depends on how this particular gym operates in selecting/inviting/progressing potential team kids. Before the OP knows what that process is, and who makes decisions, she can't help her daughter into the appropriate class, be seen by the right people, or even change gyms if necessary (if for any reason her daughter doesn't fit whatever criteria they have for pre-team). Like you said, though, changing to the best rec coach you can get is highly desirable in the meantime.

@notthatmom My DD walked into a rec class just before turning 7, within initially no idea there was a team or any inkling to be on one. Did rec once a week for a few months. At some (ridiculous, but sadly common) gyms, she would be too old to be considered for pre-team/team, and had we not proactively inquired with the coaches, she might never have joined pre-team at 7.5 years old, then at 8.5 become their top-scoring, state champion JO L3 athlete in her first season, even competing with a kip. In her case, she needed to have an "evaluation" with the JO coaches, which took about 10 minutes. I would never ever have known that unless I asked multiple people. In our gym, some rec coaches are closer with the team coaches than others, and will be proactive about 'suggesting' and 'showing' potential team kids when a team coach happens to be nearby. Other rec coaches, while fine coaches, just don't have this personal connection, and a child will never be selected to team unless she and the parent PUSH. This is our gym. You need to know yours :-)
This is all so incredibly helpful! I definitely am going to send an email to get all the information I need which will hopefully point me in the right direction and help me prepare for DD and her gymnastics (whatever it is she wants to do with it, and how far she wants to take it.)
Her interest in gym is always my first priority, I don't want to get her into something this serious if it isn't something she has her heart into. Yesterday I asked her if she liked gymnastics a lot, she told me yes...I told her "ok, but I just want you to know that if you keep doing this, you'll have to start to go almost every day" her face lit up :)
She was doing some handstands on the lawn later the same day and I told her I was so proud of her for how well she's doing, she said "thanks mommy, I'm proud of MYSELF!" As if she was shocked as to how the heck she just did a bunch of handstands so nicely lol, it was pretty adorable. It's important to me that this is something SHE wants, not something I want.

Hopefully the gym will get me some answers and I will know how to take the next steps.
That seems weird. I wonder why. Are the bars busy during their class time? I think you need to change her class or just inquire about the evaluation process first, see if you can find out more info. When you talk to whoever is in charge, then if they bring up bar skills you could casually say you didn't realize because your daughters class never went to bars the last few months. Just be casual and slip the info in. But overall I think you have to find a way to change her class. There's no Saturday classes?
She currently goes on Saturdays and the "little kid" bars are never busy....I've been paying very close attention to that on purpose.
Just seems strange. They spend most of the time on the floor, beam, and idea why bars have been skipped so much
Ah and the plot thickens...I just found out they changed DD's school hours so that she doesn't get out of school until 3:45 Tuesday through Friday, gym is at 4:00 on weekdays, so even if I was able to get her in different classes, and find someone to drive her, there's no way she'd ever make it in time :(
I may have to start looking at other gyms.....realllly don't want to have to do that.
Damn you school getting in the way of things! ;)
Yeah if the class times are that limited. Usually gyms have tons of class times, like some at 5:00, some at 6:00, some at 7:00.
Yeah if the class times are that limited. Usually gyms have tons of class times, like some at 5:00, some at 6:00, some at 7:00.
This gym has limited rec classes. Most the time is for the team girls. (I was mainly looking at preteam and higher rec classes) I did realize though that I was looking at the summer schedule, so it's possible that it will be different for the fall.
You have already gotten plenty of good responses, but I just wanted to echo those saying to find another class with a different coach. And the sooner, the better. Not because she needs to be ready for Rio tomorrow, but just because a good foundation is important even when they are 5.

I have two kids on team (8 and 5). We knew the now 8 year old had some talent. I was pretty dissatisfied with the rec class she was in at that time (she was 5). I actually took her to get evaluated at a "more serious" gym, and they recommended she start working out with the team. I chickened out and stayed put, and it has been a very annoying and frustrating process to finally get her in a good program. Meanwhile, my 5 year old has had much better coaching from the start and looks great for a 5 year old. Not that she is necessarily more talented--it's just that good coaching can make a big difference! We don't expect either of our kids to go to the Olympics, but it IS a very expensive and time-consuming sport. And it creeps up on you and you are in over your head before you know it! :) So you might as well find a good fit for your daughter now.

Also, just because this gym might have a stellar upper optional level team doesn't mean it's the best place for your daughter right now. That's odd to me that the times are so limited for rec classes. Even smaller gyms usually have a later option than 4 pm.
You have already gotten plenty of good responses, but I just wanted to echo those saying to find another class with a different coach. And the sooner, the better. Not because she needs to be ready for Rio tomorrow, but just because a good foundation is important even when they are 5.

I have two kids on team (8 and 5). We knew the now 8 year old had some talent. I was pretty dissatisfied with the rec class she was in at that time (she was 5). I actually took her to get evaluated at a "more serious" gym, and they recommended she start working out with the team. I chickened out and stayed put, and it has been a very annoying and frustrating process to finally get her in a good program. Meanwhile, my 5 year old has had much better coaching from the start and looks great for a 5 year old. Not that she is necessarily more talented--it's just that good coaching can make a big difference! We don't expect either of our kids to go to the Olympics, but it IS a very expensive and time-consuming sport. And it creeps up on you and you are in over your head before you know it! :) So you might as well find a good fit for your daughter now.

Also, just because this gym might have a stellar upper optional level team doesn't mean it's the best place for your daughter right now. That's odd to me that the times are so limited for rec classes. Even smaller gyms usually have a later option than 4 pm.
Thank you so much!
I've gotten amazing advice from all of you here, it's nice to find other parents who have kids in the same activities, who "get it", and who can help moms just starting out so we don't get lost or go totally insane :)

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