Stop the comparisons.
Do not compare yourself to being the same level as younger kids, do not compare your scores, do not compare your level to higher level teens your age, do not compare your skills. WAY harder than it looks, but it really does help. And here was the hardest one for me. Do. Not. Look. At. Your. Scores. Before. The. End. Of. The. Meet. It’s hard At first, really hard, but your scores will always be there, but missing suzie‘s first bar routine with her layout flyaway and not cheering her on because you were waiting for a score, can take some of the joy out of competing. You don’t compete for the scores, you compete for the sport and the team culture. you will find meets for enjoyable and less stressful. It will also keep you in the zone and thinking about your goals not scores.
Especially if you take the competitive part out of competitions and do not have score related goals. Tips for competition:
make one, vague, overall goal like “I want to get through the meet without any falls”
make one or more goal for each event (better if specific for one skill, or a technique issue you have in the gym ex.
beam: do not wander my eyes around the gym on beam, keep them on the end of the beam. have a high relevè in my turn.
Bars: do not hit my feet on my kip coming out of a clear hip.
Floor: show off my dance, keep in time with the music. eye contact with the judge at least one time, high set for my back tuck.
vault: rotate my shoulders fully before hitting the table with a tight body and a good block.
then after the meet, ask yourself
”did i meet all my goals?”
if you didn’t then ask yourself
”what practice, drills, or conditioning can i do, to make sure i meet it at the next meet?”
then make a plan for what you are going to do in practice leading up to the next meet or make a goal to put in a new skill for the next meet. Ex.
”im going to do 50 relevès every morning and night to get a higher relevè in my turn on beam.“
“im going to put my back layout in my floor routine.”
obviously your coaches would have to approve any new skills.
trust me, you will find that focusing on skills at every meet and have technique related goals, will really help your scores.
and here is another thing. If you flunk an event. Brush it off. Do not think about the technique, what you did wrong, how bad or good your score will be, how many people saw it, if people will be disappointed in you, if it was embarrassing. Just stop thinking about the event entirely. Think about your next event. Get in the zone, think about the body movements, visualize, all the stuff.