Parents What would you do?

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My youngest dd has been doing 2 sessions a week in her group since beginning of April and loves it is far and wants to stay in her group.

Just before they increased their sessions they were tested on dips on small p bars, pull ups on normal b bars and leg lifts on normal p bars, my dd couldn't do dips on p bars - she could lower herself down but not get back up again, she did 2 pull ups and 2 funny looking leg lifts.

The coach informed the group that they are being retested again next week and that she hopes that they will do what they did last time or improve, if they get worse then we will be called in for a meeting with the possibility of leaving the group.

Dd should be ok, unsure about the dips as they don't practice these, but dd did a few better looking leg lifts on the A Bars last session, I think dd will be ok during her test and she will stay in her group.

Worse case scenario and things go badly (anyone can have an off day), what would you do if you were called in for a meeting? How would you handle it? I feel that is should not just go on this test and should also go on how they do in class, wether they are improving or not. I got some rare feedback from the coach after speaking to her about a different matter, she said that dd has got stronger and more powerful and her vault has improved and she can sometimes do handstand flat backs on her own (mats are stacked nearly as high as dd that she has to land on), dd has made great progress and is working past her fears on the beam and can do forward rolls and the high beam (they have to stick 5 before moving onto cartwheels on the floor beam). Dd has made great progress using her initiative in the gym according to the coach and will think for herself and do things to help herself instead of standing around waiting for the coach to tell her to do/get things.

I would be very puzzled if things to go wrong as dd is the youngest and can keep up and sometimes do better then her older team mates, it would be a shame to lose anyone and they have been together for 6 months and are gelling together with no drama despite the 4 year age gap between the youngest and oldest.
I think it unlikely they would drop a child just on one single skill weakness. I think that they probably use the results as goals. For example dd is very good at press hand stands - therefore when doing their 10 lever hand stands she has to do them in blocks of 5 for them to count. The girls who are not so strong at them get to do them in singles or blocks of 2 - they don't kick them out.

I imagine there would have to be a few separate issues before there was a problem. Also - there's no point worrying - it's not going to change anything and you don't want dd to pick upon it and feel more pressure - she is only little
I am not all that worried, what will be will be, I am just after some advice on how to approach things if I do get called into a meeting, the right and wrong way to approach things as I have never been in this situation before.
I find it hard to imagine they will drop her from the group from what you have said. Your dd has only been in the group for two months. On two sessions a week it will take a lot longer than two months for her to build up her strength sufficiently to make any judgments, so it would be perfectly reasonable to expect more time. And it sounds as though her strength is increasing nicely.

So if you get called to a meeting to discuss her progress I don't think there's a lot you can prepare or need to prepare - they will tell you what they are thinking and if they have any concerns and probably ask if you have any questions, but not really look for your opinions as such. And, unless she's a problem in class, or not progressing at all, after such a short time I'm sure it will be fine.
I have found sometimes when my DD hears something from the coaches, it is something I have mentioned to her a number of times, but somehow it finally sinks in when the coaches say it...
My example, she tends to fake fall off BB to entertain her teammates... I have said a million times stop fooling around on beam and work it... To no results... But she got an office call (had to see the coach in the office after practice) coach said if she was unable to stay on the beam, maybe she wasn't serious about competing and she hasn't fallen off the beam purposely since... Now she busily works but since we are nearing summer she is finally learning new skills and is challenged...
Did she have the testing yet?
Fingers crossed !!

They didn't do it in the end, dd said they are doing it next week (they have another session this week so they might spring it on them then), to be honest I am not that bothered what happens, if dd doesn't do well and she gets moved to a different group it wouldn't be the end of the world as they other group has girls her age (the group she is in now has girls upto the age of 11), the only concern I would have if it happens is the drop in hours and days, going from twice a week for 5 hours to once a week for 2 hours, all the conditioning she has been doing so far would go to waste.

If the testing goes well then dd will be happy as she loves her group.
I think she will do very well - certainly better than before.
My youngest dd had her testing tonight, she did really well. Here are her March and Tonight's results :-

March - 1/2
Tonight - 4 1/2 or 5 1/2 (can't remember which)

Hanging Pull-ups (on A Bars)
March - 2
Tonight - 5 (got her head above bars every time )

Hanging Leg Lifts (on A Bars)
March - 2 (not that great form)
Tonight - 6 (much better form)

Dd told me that in March the coach said she got the lowest score in her group and tonight she got one of the highest (dd reckons 2nd highest).

Dd is the youngest in her group and the others are 2-4 school years above her)

Dd has made a lot of improvement, they got tested at the end of March the first time before starting two sessions a week at the beginning of April.

I should imagine that dd will be ok to continue in her group now.

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