WAG when does gymnastics become second nature

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Hello guys!

I wanted to know how long it take you/your dd/the gymnasts to successfully do RO BH BT and a FH FT perfectly like second nature?

I have a very good round-off, I can do a standing back handspring, a standing back tuck, and of course a front handspring and running front tuck but NEVER tried to combine any of those.

So I want to start combining them next week. Of course, it varies from gymnast to gymnast on how long it takes, but I just want to get some ideas!

So how long did it take you/your kids/gymnasts to combine RO BH BT and FH FT and then how long should I calculate that it really becomes "second nature"?

For example, when I started training my back tucks, at the beginning I had to concentrate really hard, even on the trampoline and was scared before any attempt. Within 3 weeks it got better, although I was always scared at the first attempt. And after several weeks I didn't even need to concentrate very hard, some seconds are enough now and I can throw a tuck pretty much all the time!

How long is this with RO BH BT + FH FT on average? Is it possible that when I start next week I can have it perfectly on floor in 10-12 months?
Will you be working with a coach in a gym setting?

Of course!

I train 6 hours a week in a big gym (3 days a week for 2 hours) plus 4 hours of conditioning a week (4 days a week 1 hour of conditioning)!
My DD has been "naturally" tumbling those skills for at least a year but she also didn't learn them like you did. She didn't have the individual skills and then put them together as a series. So your learning curve might not be as steep as normal
It took over a year for my ROBHSBT, and I still don't have it. My coach didn't let me work on them though, so that might have afected it. For my FHSFT, it took me 3 days to learn and 4 before it was second nature. Most people in my group took longer. It also had to do with the fact that my coach used a great drill for it.
First off, train RO BHS rebound set and FHS rebound set until you feel comfortable. Does your gym have a tumble track/ floor into the pit? If so, try a RO BHS BT/ FHS FT into that b4 going on the actual floor. It'll probably take you a while to get comfortable with these tho...
It can take years for it to "become second nature". The gymnast needs to learn spacial and body awareness and become completely confident in the skill. Some gymnasts just 'get it', for others it may take some time to learn
Pea's gym seems to spend a lot of time training to connect skills. Lots and lots of FHS dive rolls (into the pit onto a floor level mat), lots of BHS backwards roll (onto shoulder height mats.) After spending a lot of time 'prepping' they seem to move fairly quickly to full connections on the tumble track, to the pit with floor level mat, to the floor. If you have a pit available, that seems to be the safest way to learn connections. As for second nature, not sure? Never asked Pea if she still hesitates on skills, but she is not a risk taker by nature. (weird for a gymnast I know!)

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