When you tell someone you do gymnastics

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Kylie, maybe your husband if afraid it will take away time that you spend with him? Maybe you can make it a point to do more with him, and reassure him how much you love to be with him. Also, does he have any of his own hobbies of his own? If you could help him get involved in something that is just his thing, maybe that would help. Finally, do you think it's a financial reason? If so, maybe you could pick up a part time job to earn extra money for gymnastics? Hope I helped a little.

I am very fortunate that my husband is a huge supporter and loves the fact that I do gymnastics cause its an easy way to keep me happy, busy, and in shape. I am very lucky. I make sure to spend time with him on the nights before and after I am at gymnastics to make sure he doesn't feel neglected :)
Kylie, see if maybe you can get him to come see you work out one day too. Maybe if he actually SEES how much you enjoy what you do, he may lay off a little bit if that is an issue. If it's an issue of you getting hurt, well, you have about the same chances of being seriously injured driving in your car too, and at least in the gym, you have coaches there, and immediate help in the event heaven forbid, something happened to you. Plus, just show him how flexible you're getting:p
I agree that negative comments should be kept to oneself. I have had my fair share of those. Even though the comments can sting, I try to remember that the people who make them must be very unhappy to feel the need to criticize others, and that I am living my life for myself, and to be the happiest I can be.

My first meet back as a 25 year old, the meet director decided I must have been 15 instead of 25 (thought my birth date was a typo) and I earned a silver on bars in my age group, 16+, but because they put me w/ the 14-15 year olds, I didn't get my medal. I thought it was pretty funny though, that they figured I must be 15, not 25! I didn't think I looked THAT young!

You must have the same meet directors I did. I was 24 and theyd be asking if I were sure I was in the right age group (yes. Yes I am. I have teh old and teh babyface).
maybe he is insecure because gymnastics gives us a hot body! or maybe his friends make dirty jokes that his wife does gymnastics. think like a guy, then let him know how important it is for you to be healthy and active.
Its nice to hear all your comments. I didn't even start gymnastics until I was 14 because my mom wanted me to dance instead. She didn't like all the time and commitment it would take to do gymnastics. She finally let me take gymnastics but limited my involvement. It wasn't until I got married that I was able to get more involved in it. My husband wanted to make me happy, but he still thinks I'm crazy and is almost embarrassed by my involvement in the sport. If I get a little disappointed he says I'm being crazy and its like him getting upset over a video game. I'm still only training 3 or 4 hours a week but when I added an hour thursday night he got really upset with me. So I'm a little frustrated because it seems like the coaches at the gym I'm going to are coming around and are very supportive and people in general think its cool but the people closest to me are the ones trying to hold me back. I'd like to practice even more but I think my husband would get pretty upset with me. Any suggestions to gain his support?

Looks like we have something in common. I started gymnastics when I was 13 but didn't get really involved until I was recently because my mom wanted me to focus on dance. And my family (mom and sister moreso than dad) thinks my doing gymnastics isn't a worthwhile endeavor because me in the Olympics is as likely as snow in Hawaii. It's frustrating, isn't it. When the people close to you don't support you. I hope your husband has a darn good reason for not supporting you. He'd better be secretly scared you'll get hurt or something. Maybe you should talk with him and ask him if he's feeling insecure or scared. If not, I think he should grow up, be a man, and love and support his wife who lovingly puts up with him getting upset. :p
Maybe you should go ahead and train those extra few hours. That's what I did and even though the support still isn't there, the negative comments have gone.

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