Hey where are the "thank You" buttons so we can thank posters?
Or maybe a something new like an "agree" button or "disagree"button
Unfortunately the "thank you" button will not be returning. The developer of the module is no longer supporting it. However, vBSEO (our search engine optimization software) will be releasing the "like tree" very soon. It is very similar to the "thank you" button, but better. Below are it's features and some pics:
1. A full featured "Likes" system: A "Social Graph" for your community
Made popular by Facebook, and now making its way to forums and social web applications everywhere, the "Likes" system allows your users to effortlessly provide feedback to one another on the content they find most useful. Most importantly, this activity creates an underlying layer of data that works as a "Social Graph" for your community, opening the doors to a myriad of USEFUL features that have the potential to alter the way we interact with forums in different ways. One of them is enabling people to find the site's most useful content more efficiently (see our "Likes Tree" feature below). Another powerful use for this data is the ability to surface the most popular and/or relevant content for search engines, be it via Search Engine Friendly pages that list this content (coming in vBSEO 3.6.0 Final), or by using it as priority multipliers for your Search Engine XML sitemaps (coming in vBSEO Search Engine XML Sitemaps 3.1).
2. The vBSEO "Likes Tree": Redefining the way people interact with forums
It gives you (and your users) an instant "birds-eye-view" of the "Likes" distribution in a thread, allowing you to *quickly* identify the most useful/important content, no matter how long the conversation is. This new feature represents a new paradigm as it allows people to extract more value out of forums in less time.
EDIT: This feature will not be tied to Facebook...it will be specifically for the CB. We currently have a Facebook "like" button if you are a Facebook user.