WAG which level are these skills?

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what level are these skills in the USAG?

UB: Kip on low bar, handstand half pirouette, kip to handstand, free hip to handstand, stalder, stoop circle toe shoot to catch high bar, kip handstand, giant giant, flyaway

FX: RO BH FULL, FH FL FT, RO BH BL, split leap full turn, switch leap, straddle leap, needle kick, double turn

BB: Press Handstand to V-Sit mount, Aerial, full turn, split jump wolf jump, back handspring, back tuck, RO Layout Dismount

VT: tucked tsuk

Can I compete with this at Level 8?

And another question: Is the overshoot or toe shoot easier? Could I compete both in L8?
I don't know the requirements but from what little I've seen, it seems to be alright. I believe you need a series with flight on beam. So you could do a skill before or after the back handspring. I don't know what an overshoot is, sorry.:(
I do believe that would qualify. I do know that many people compete a double back dismount on bars but it is a requirement. And as long as you did the BHS BT together ( don't stop in between) that can count as your series. Otherwise you will need to connect the BHS to something, usually another BHS and keep the BT as a separate skill.
I do believe that would qualify. I do know that many people compete a double back dismount on bars but it is a requirement. And as long as you did the BHS BT together ( don't stop in between) that can count as your series. Otherwise you will need to connect the BHS to something, usually another BHS and keep the BT as a separate skill.

not exactly. a 2ble flyaway is a C. level 9's & 10's must dismount with a C (or more). so then, the dismount requirement is any C.

in level 8, you can only use 1 C. so then, they could do a 2ble flyaway only. or a handstand piro bail only. but you can't do both because you can not do 2 C's.
@daisy | I remember reading a post from you a little while back about an old coach you really adore and look up to. How is he doing? Are you still following through with your plan to surprise him? I remember reading your plan and thinking it was a great idea and really sweet of you.
@daisy | I remember reading a post from you a little while back about an old coach you really adore and look up to. How is he doing? Are you still following through with your plan to surprise him? I remember reading your plan and thinking it was a great idea and really sweet of you.

Ohh, thanks for remembering me!!!

I am making a really really fast progress at the moment. Got my first straddle press handstand a week ago and was so happy about that. Incredible feeling. I am working hard on adding more presses and getting more skills. Really exciting at the moment!

I will keep you all updatet and definitely video tape the show next year and share it with you :)
not exactly. a 2ble flyaway is a C. level 9's & 10's must dismount with a C (or more). so then, the dismount requirement is any C.

in level 8, you can only use 1 C. so then, they could do a 2ble flyaway only. or a handstand piro bail only. but you can't do both because you can not do 2 C's.

Thanks dunno!
I do believe that would qualify. I do know that many people compete a double back dismount on bars but it is a requirement. And as long as you did the BHS BT together ( don't stop in between) that can count as your series. Otherwise you will need to connect the BHS to something, usually another BHS and keep the BT as a separate skill.

not exactly. a 2ble flyaway is a C. level 9's & 10's must dismount with a C (or more). so then, the dismount requirement is any C.

in level 8, you can only use 1 C. so then, they could do a 2ble flyaway only. or a handstand piro bail only. but you can't do both because you can not do 2 C's.
Oops! I meant to say that double backs are NOT required at 8 but many do it as their one allowable C. Thanks for correcting Dunno,

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