Parents Who has a butt?

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Okay so my daughter has been doing gymnastic classes for around 8 weeks and then the past 4 she has been on team. Her muscles are starting to come through and she is starting to get a round little butt. Is this what happens to the girls bodies?

It's so funny because she is so tiny and then this butt, muscle of course.
Okay so my daughter has been doing gymnastic classes for around 8 weeks and then the past 4 she has been on team. Her muscles are starting to come through and she is starting to get a round little butt. Is this what happens to the girls bodies?

It's so funny because she is so tiny and then this butt, muscle of course.

LOL too funny - I think all the muscles will pop at some point. wait untill the first time your DD wears a bathing suit,
Well she hasn't been doing it that long, so I don't expect to see anything for a few months but it's just funny to see the little round butt.
My 6yo definitely has a gymnast body - I was just telling a friend it's almost scary to see your 6yo "ripped". She joined team beginning of June and I'm already noticing huge differences in her. Mind you, she goes to practice and then comes home and spends another two hours working on her own (nothing major, handstands, roundoffs, cartwheels, chinups, etc - no worries, I'm NOT forcing her to do anything... I usually tell her to give it a break!!!)

As Cher pointed out, it was when she put on her swimsuit and started goofing around that I really noticed. Incredible how fast those little bodies change!
What Butt???

This post made me laugh!! My dd is 10 and definitely has a gymnast's body--very slim-hipped and wider through the shoulders (like an upside-down triangle). It is amazing how quickly their bodies develop the muscle--she has only been doing gymnastics for a year and I am amazed at her "physique". But, (no pun intended) she has NO BUTT!!! She will be 11 in January and still wears size 7 pants. :eek: LOL She is rather muscular and cut just not "bulky". I guess she has more of the "Nastia build" rather than the "Shawn build". Anyway, I think gymnastics is a great sport that conditions and strengthens every part of the body which is great for any kid!! :D
My daughter is teeny tiny but then has this little butt. My 4 year old can still wear 18/24 month skirts...

This post made me laugh!! My dd is 10 and definitely has a gymnast's body--very slim-hipped and wider through the shoulders (like an upside-down triangle). It is amazing how quickly their bodies develop the muscle--she has only been doing gymnastics for a year and I am amazed at her "physique". But, (no pun intended) she has NO BUTT!!! She will be 11 in January and still wears size 7 pants. :eek: LOL She is rather muscular and cut just not "bulky". I guess she has more of the "Nastia build" rather than the "Shawn build". Anyway, I think gymnastics is a great sport that conditions and strengthens every part of the body which is great for any kid!! :D
She will be 11 in January and still wears size 7 pants. :eek: LOL She is rather muscular and cut just not "bulky".

I used to hate cold weather when we had to pull out long pants.... Summer was fine with shorts & skirts, but trying to find pants long enough for the legs but small enough around stunk... thank goodness for the adjustable elastic waists!! (I was pretty excited she can finally wear 5's without yanking them up every other step... LOL)
These kids bodies amaze me. I look at my saggy knees and then look at their rock hard abs and body and just shape my head. Bailey is 11yrs and has been doing this 4 years. I bet her body fat % is 2%. I am so jealous. I am going to attach a photo that shows what their abs look like after a few years.

Bailey is on the right. I hope you can see it. She had a butt when she first started but it went away.
This post made me laugh!! My dd is 10 and definitely has a gymnast's body--very slim-hipped and wider through the shoulders (like an upside-down triangle). It is amazing how quickly their bodies develop the muscle--she has only been doing gymnastics for a year and I am amazed at her "physique". But, (no pun intended) she has NO BUTT!!! She will be 11 in January and still wears size 7 pants. :eek: LOL She is rather muscular and cut just not "bulky". I guess she has more of the "Nastia build" rather than the "Shawn build". Anyway, I think gymnastics is a great sport that conditions and strengthens every part of the body which is great for any kid!! :D

Sounds just like my dd. She will be 12 soon, and she needs a size 8 slim pants. But those are getting a little too short. She just hates jeans - they never fit her small waste, no butt, muscular thigh body. So glad we live in an area where she can get away with shorts most of the year.
LOL - I know what you guys are talking about! My DD has a small butt but very developed - just like the rest of her. She definitely has the typical gymnast upside down triangle shape - wise shoulder/narrow hips. And she has good posture most of the time so it really shows. She has been on the team for 1 1/2 years and I am always asking her coaches to please stop increasing her muscle mass lol ;) My step-DD is on the team too and is very muscular as well but she doesn't have good posture (partly because of breaking her collar bone twice in 8 months!) so the triangle isn't as evident in her. My DD is in the red shirt and my step-DD is in the white shirt with the big "Z" on it

People comment all the time about my dd's 6-pack. By the time her team camp week is over she'll have an 8 pack!! :eek: She's solid muscle and the scale shows it. She weighs about 58lbs but sure doesn't look it. I always have to buy her tops about a size larger because of her broad shoulders. She's still in a size 6 for most pants/shorts but some styles she needs a 7 for the length. She'll be 8 in August. I sometimes imagine what I would look like if I could work out like they do, that many hours a week! ;)
DD has a muscle butt too. I call it the "Juicy Booty". Daddy calls her "Rock Bottom". And Grandpa says that if you bounced a quarter on her abs or her butt it just might go into orbit.

She is VERY proud of her hard workin' bum.:D
...wait untill the first time your DD wears a bathing suit

Juju is a Level 4 gymmie and has a rock hard little bubble butt. No matter what leo she is in her little cheeks just have to hang out a bit (good thing she is just 6 - LOL). When she jumps on the trampoline is when I really notice all the muscles she has in her legs. We just got back from a quick trip to the beach and apparently Juju is working on getting her a nice set of abs to go along with all her other muscles. :eek:

She is definitely a 'Shawn' type build. Nothing long and lean about her. She is now topping the scales at a whopping 45 lbs and is around 44 inches tall. Too funny...


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This is one of the funniest threads I've read.

baby's got back . . . literately . . . Jess has gotten so broad over the last year none of the tank tops or bathing suits fit from last year. In shorts she gets second looks for how strong and cut her legs are . . . in a bathing suit . . forget about it! And this is only after 1 yr on the team.

As for the but . . . there is one LOL but it's not bigger then usual . . I think
I know what you mean. My dd is 15, not an ounce of fat on her anywhere except for her tushie! She has a rock hard body and a little round tushie. She looks Ahh-mazing in a bathing suit!
People comment all the time about my dd's 6-pack. By the time her team camp week is over she'll have an 8 pack!! :eek: She's solid muscle and the scale shows it.

Hopefully good comments. I've had my share of cynical comments already this year. Nastia (9.5 yo ) has a well defined midsection, shoulders, and quads as do many gymnasts.

My DW and I have been told by several parents outside of the gym that its "very unhealthy" for children to be this muscular. Complete BS if you ask me, or any doctor, or fitness trainer, or nutricianist. Of course their dd's are testing the bursting limits of thier own skin, but that's OK of course. It frankly drives us crazy.

Nastia's pediatrician has said she wished all her patients were as fit.
Hopefully good comments. I've had my share of cynical comments already this year. Nastia (9.5 yo ) has a well defined midsection, shoulders, and quads as do many gymnasts.

My DW and I have been told by several parents outside of the gym that its "very unhealthy" for children to be this muscular. Complete BS if you ask me, or any doctor, or fitness trainer, or nutricianist. Of course their dd's are testing the bursting limits of thier own skin, but that's OK of course. It frankly drives us crazy.

Nastia's pediatrician has said she wished all her patients were as fit.

WOW!! Some parents will say anything and by virtue of having children of their own won't they? I'd get into trouble if someone came up and told me that, the whole brain/mouth filter goes away in the face of judgy ignorance for real. I've snapped at strangers who commented on me after having my son, if it was my Kudos for being cool in the face of that (if you are lol!)

On topic, my daughter has a tiny butt but it's there! In her gym shorts she fills out the booty, then there's some slack, and then the top of her quads bust out lol. Her pre-school classes + dance didn't make her look like this, it's amazing what a year of 'real' gym class can do for getting pumped!
Trust me... I’ll only hold back just so much. But yes… Some parents are certainly open to share their opinions, as we gym parents well know. DW and I just smile, and change the subject.

This is about as 'on-topic' as I feel comfortable. I mean… parents openly discussing their young daughters "bootie" online just seems a bit too risqué for me.
This is about as 'on-topic' as I feel comfortable. I mean… parents openly discussing their young daughters "bootie" online just seems a bit too risqué for me.

Yeah I thought it a little weird too, I guess it is in a way. Then again we all talk about cuts of leotards and how hard it is to find school clothes that fit around their shoulders/lats. I guess this is a case of context for me, and lots of us ran around in leos back in the day so the audience is forgiving lol!

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