Parents Would You Let Your Kid Go Back?

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Sep 26, 2010
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Long story short, my daughter left her gym over a year ago. She was a level 7 and was burning out. I think she was about to quit but we left after an altercation with a coach. (That coach is no longer there). At first, she was fine with leaving and we adjusted to the non-gym life very well. It was so nice to have her home and she began to enjoy other sports and activities that were never a part of her life before. Our family was together a lot and the other kids got to know their sister more. Now, she says she wants to go back. I am very hesitant. She says she really misses the gym, her coaches and her friends. She misses the physical aspects of working out and unbelievably, she was more organized and did better in school when she was doing gymnastics. The thought of going back to the chaos and not seeing her all the time just kills me. But, I don't want to tell her no if it is really what she wants. I can say that I would approach it in a much healthier way the second time around. We're not Olympic or Elite bound. I told her that I still wanted her to experience life and if that meant missing practice once in a while, so be it. Anyone been in a similar situation? Advice?
I'm sure there will be better replies, as I have yet to be in your situation, but as a parent, I've always told myself, that if my daughter or son REALLY wants to pursue something, whether that be a sport, career, hobby, I will do whatever I can to try to make that happen. If she's really really missing the sport, and her friends, and you tell her a firm no, in the future, she may end up being very disappointed that she never got to return to something she worked so hard at, and loved. Hopefully this time around, it could be less stressful for you both, and you could make it a priority to skip from time to time to have a special family night, or for her to do other "non-gym" things. Best of luck to you both. I'm sure you'll make the right decision for your daughter and your family :-)
She is initiating, that is good! She knows exactly what she is getting into, her thoughts are solid. I feel, and if you have the means, let her try. A lot changes in a year, things may be more difficult then she anticipates, her friends might have moved on, and she is a level lower, etc... It might not be what she envisions, but she needs to see for herself, otherwise this may be something she regrets for the rest of her life.
My daughter was out for over 3 years, only a level 4; training 5 when she left. She decided she wanted to go back this past June. I told her that if she did she had to commit to a year. She did, and she has. She struggled something fierce, a good 8 inches taller, 3 years out, no conditioning etc. She has had a great first meet and is on her way to another one next weekend.
What would "going back" entail? I mean, it's unlikely she would be able to go back as a level 7 (or if she did, it would be a long while before she was ready to compete). My DD is a level 7 and I totally get what you are saying about her not being around very much, not spending time with the family, etc. My husband HATES this about her gymnastics (which, of course, makes it that much more stressful). Right now her goal is to make it to level 10, and we're already neck deep in this thing and will continue to support her for as long as that is her goal. But if she ever quit, for whatever reason, and then wanted to go back, I think I would allow her to go back, but I think I would push her (rather firmly) towards the xcell track. If your DD was already in optionals, it would be hard for her to go back as a level 5, or whatever. And if she was already burning out, the high-hours/high-pressure JO track may not be right for her anyway. Maybe going back but as an xcell or USAIG or whatever less-intensive option is available to you might be the best of both worlds (back in the gym, but also being able to have a life outside the gym).

Good luck to you!
I would let her go back, but agree with yoru thoughts about trying to ensure "balanace." I have not gone through this, but we have had two very talented level 9s quit and come back. Both were gone for a year. One did track and was very good at that as well. The other tried several things, including diving, which she was good at. Being freshmen in high school was part of the "pull" that caused them to leave. I think they did the right thing, feeling like they wanted to experience school and other sports, etc.

But both came back and their mothers have said that they felt that no other sport challenged them and required them to work as hard - and they missed that!

Both are in their 2nd year back now. They came back in the summer so were able to hop right back into level 9. One had injury last year, so repeating level 9 this year. The other is level 10. Both doing great and seem so happy to be doing gymnastics and being with their teamates.

So, I would say, if your DD came back right now, she may not be able to just pick up at level 7 and compete at the next meet, but by next season for sure! Good luck!
Yes, I'd let her go back since that is what she wants, but I'd have a discussion with her about realistic expectations--how it's going to be hard to get back in to shape and how her skills won't be where they were when she left.

We've had a few girls leave club for a year and then come back--honestly, none of them have stuck around long term (they all remember why they left in the first place or they couldn't get past not having the skills they had when they left). Good luck to you and your daughter!

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