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Proud Parent
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Have your daughter barely have her skills for the next level up and struggle all year but feel good about moving up a level or repeat a level but do tougher skills than she did the year before and get better scores, etc?
I agree about the level. My answer is different for compulsory & optional.

Where DD is now, level-wise & mentally, I would rather have her repeat. She grew in the middle of last season and she could not stay on beam. Skill wise, she was solid at her level, but the low AAs/placements for beam falls really messed with her confidence. Once we got her back on track, she did quite well.

Knowing that she was going to place at the bottom all season wouldn't be good for her. She loves training with more advanced girls, but placing low is hard for her.

Of course it's all hypothetical. She's never repeated, but I'm pretty sure I have a read on her.
I agree about the level. My answer is different for compulsory & optional.

Where DD is now, level-wise & mentally, I would rather have her repeat. She grew in the middle of last season and she could not stay on beam. Skill wise, she was solid at her level, but the low AAs/placements for beam falls really messed with her confidence. Once we got her back on track, she did quite well.

Knowing that she was going to place at the bottom all season wouldn't be good for her. She loves training with more advanced girls, but placing low is hard for her.

Of course it's all hypothetical. She's never repeated, but I'm pretty sure I have a read on her.

Thanks for the honesty. I'm pretty sure I'd like my DD to repeat, but I'm not sure the gym will do that (of course it will all depend on summer and skills), and was curious if others would agree with that scenario or think she should just keep moving even if always at the bottom.
DD just repeated L8 and it was the best thing for her. She had an injury the prior year so barely competed and didn't do all that well when she did. This season she was on the podium for bars, beam & vault at every meet. She qualified for regionals and placed on all events and took 5th AA. It was a HUGE boost for her confidence.

I couldn't have imagined trying to push her to L9 when she was still so insecure on her L8 skills.
Level 3 or below - move up.
Level 4 - repeat.
Level 5 - get them the heck outta there.
Level 6 - repeat.
Level 7 - repeat.
Level 8 - repeat x2.
Level 9 - repeat x3.
Xcel Bronze - move up.
Xcel Silver - move up.
Xcel Gold - repeat x2.
Xcel Platinum - repeat x3.
IGC Copper 1 - move up.
IGC Copper 2 - move up.
IGC Bronze - repeat.
IGC Silver - repeat x2.
IGC Gold - repeat x3.
IGC Platinum -repeat x3.
Level 3 or below - move up.
Level 4 - repeat.
Level 5 - get them the heck outta there.
Level 6 - repeat.
Level 7 - repeat.
Level 8 - repeat x2.
Level 9 - repeat x3.
Xcel Bronze - move up.
Xcel Silver - move up.
Xcel Gold - repeat x2.
Xcel Platinum - repeat x3.
IGC Copper 1 - move up.
IGC Copper 2 - move up.
IGC Bronze - repeat.
IGC Silver - repeat x2.
IGC Gold - repeat x3.
IGC Platinum -repeat x3.

Now THAT'S thorough. And it helps. Thank you.
Agree with the level specific suggestions. Dd did end up repeating level 3, but honestly she probably shouldn't have competed at all the first year so that was sort of a unique situation.
Agree with the level specific suggestions. Dd did end up repeating level 3, but honestly she probably shouldn't have competed at all the first year so that was sort of a unique situation.
My post was taking into account the gymnast having all the skills for the next level, just maybe not HAVING them solid and clean. If a gymnast is still missing skills needed, then repeating the lower level is best. My YG competed Old L4 and then 2 years of L3… She still didn't have her kip (or mill circle). We moved her to Xcel Gold. Competed a year, took a year off, competed another year.
We are hoping for Xcel Platinum since she finally has a kip... But still missing a few skills.
Level 3 or below - move up.
Level 4 - repeat.
Level 5 - get them the heck outta there.
Level 6 - repeat.
Level 7 - repeat.
Level 8 - repeat x2.
Level 9 - repeat x3.
Xcel Bronze - move up.
Xcel Silver - move up.
Xcel Gold - repeat x2.
Xcel Platinum - repeat x3.
IGC Copper 1 - move up.
IGC Copper 2 - move up.
IGC Bronze - repeat.
IGC Silver - repeat x2.
IGC Gold - repeat x3.
IGC Platinum -repeat x3.

I understand the thinking, but every child is different.. we have a girl repeating L3 as she isn't solid on ROBH yet, is not close to having her kip, and scored 32 or below all season AA. Also, when uptraining she is unable to have enough power on vault to hit the table or resi vertical and go over

It really depends on the girls strengths and weaknesses. Is she able to progress to the next levels skills or is she still working on getting her current level skills? This is what matters.
I understand the thinking, but every child is different.. we have a girl repeating L3 as she isn't solid on ROBH yet, is not close to having her kip, and scored 32 or below all season AA. Also, when uptraining she is unable to have enough power on vault to hit the table or resi vertical and go over

It really depends on the girls strengths and weaknesses. Is she able to progress to the next levels skills or is she still working on getting her current level skills? This is what matters.
Then she doesn't have the skills for the next level, so this chart does not apply.
This chart is if they have the skills - just maybe not 100% solid.
Honsstly, for many gymnasts at the compulsory level, it comes down to bars.
For optionals?
Depends on wayyyyy too many factors to list here.
I think in a case where you feel one way and you think/know the coach feels a different way, it becomes very important to know what the child wants. If they feel the way you do, then i see nothing wrong with discussing it respectfully with the coach, as long as a meeting is scheduled and the coach is not hit up at the end of practice when they too want to get home to family members, and possibly that glass of vino.
If the child feels the way the coach does, i would trust the process.
Last year? Mine got pushed up to Level 4 before she was ready. The first two meets really sucked and I kind of wished she had repeated because it was TOUGH to see her out there really struggling. But you know what? She learned that a few bad meets weren't the end of the world, it lit a fire under her and by the end of the season she was a decent Level 4 (and the strongest and most consistent on her team, albeit a small one).
This year? She's in the danger zone again for Level 4/5. They're trying to push her to learn the skills but honestly- as much as she learned from her struggles last year about working hard and measuring success and as much as I think last year pushing her up was the right choice- this year I hope she repeats and told the coaches we have no expectation of her moving up. She's at a new gym in a more competitive state and I think a second year at Level 4 will build her confidence and make her a better gymnast. And, she herself wanted to repeat until she realized that most of her new friends will be moving up.

So, I think it depends on the level, the gymnast, the situation, etc....and I think hindsight is 20/20. :)
Level 3 or below - move up.
Level 4 - repeat.
Level 5 - get them the heck outta there.
Level 6 - repeat.
Level 7 - repeat.
Level 8 - repeat x2.
Level 9 - repeat x3.
Xcel Bronze - move up.
Xcel Silver - move up.
Xcel Gold - repeat x2.
Xcel Platinum - repeat x3.
IGC Copper 1 - move up.
IGC Copper 2 - move up.
IGC Bronze - repeat.
IGC Silver - repeat x2.
IGC Gold - repeat x3.
IGC Platinum -repeat x3.

Level 5 [emoji23]
Repeat. DD is repeating 6. She had a low scoring year and could use the extra maturity and confidence. If she excels she can move up.
The hard part about this question is that there is a scenario not listed in the OP which I have seen happen. Repeat the level and NOT score or place better. I think most gymnasts hit a point past which they cannot go further. As has been mentioned on this forum before, there are incredible Level 10s who wouldn't be able to do Elite. There are good optional gymnasts who can't make those final leaps to Level 9 or 10. There are compulsory gymnasts who do well but can't get the skills to do well in optionals.

There's not enough information in the OP for me to know if moving up would be better than repeating the level. I am assuming we are discussing an optional gymnast because I can't imagine what 'harder' skills a gymnast could do in compulsories. If the gymnast barely has the skills for the next level, what kind of 'harder' skills would they do in their current level that would help them score better in the current level? It also matters whether the gymnast is physically having issues (due to lack of strength, flexibility, coordination, etc) in gaining skills or if the gymnast is having more of a mental issue (fears, blocks, etc).

My advice would be to talk with the coach about how the coach sees the next year going in both scenarios. And trust the coach when he/she gives their recommendation.
Depends on why they weren't so solid at the first level.

My dd had a marginal year at level 7 last year, but it looks like she will move to level 8 this year. And that is because of the factors that led to her marginal year at 7, as well as her age. She had back-to-back injuries just before the competition season began and one injury that lasted through the whole season, so she ended up competing without being really ready for the season. She could compete 7 again and do much better at it this year. But she also seems on track to be solid for level 8, now that she is fully healthy and training on full cylinders.

Looking at her my meet scores history, you might think she should repeat. But it would be bad for her emotionally (she is already the oldest one at her level and so repeating would be really hard on her emotionally). And skill wise, she should be ready to compete 8 even if 7 wasn't so hot, why hold her back?
The hard part about this question is that there is a scenario not listed in the OP which I have seen happen. Repeat the level and NOT score or place better. I think most gymnasts hit a point past which they cannot go further. As has been mentioned on this forum before, there are incredible Level 10s who wouldn't be able to do Elite. There are good optional gymnasts who can't make those final leaps to Level 9 or 10. There are compulsory gymnasts who do well but can't get the skills to do well in optionals.

There's not enough information in the OP for me to know if moving up would be better than repeating the level. I am assuming we are discussing an optional gymnast because I can't imagine what 'harder' skills a gymnast could do in compulsories. If the gymnast barely has the skills for the next level, what kind of 'harder' skills would they do in their current level that would help them score better in the current level? It also matters whether the gymnast is physically having issues (due to lack of strength, flexibility, coordination, etc) in gaining skills or if the gymnast is having more of a mental issue (fears, blocks, etc).

My advice would be to talk with the coach about how the coach sees the next year going in both scenarios. And trust the coach when he/she gives their recommendation.

OP Here: You're right. I hadn't really considered that scenario and that would be rough. She is an optional. L7. She was injured during her entire L6 year and was told she would repeat L6 and we were both good with that. Then she got her L7 skills, but barely, and two weeks before the first meet found out she would be competing 7 instead. So she did the double BWO and single BHS, not the BWO BHS. Had her giant flyaway, but her release was wonky. All that. She is on track to get her L8 skills except for beam. I don't know if they will push her or not. So I guess I'd like to see another L7 year with the BWO BHS, or even BHS BHS if she makes that much progress, lock down that release, start twisting on floor (she's fairly solid in her FHS FLO and her half - think her full by the end of the summer). And I was wondering if that was a good course to take.

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