My daughter's gym is having her repeat Platinum instead of Diamond or level 6. It's a small gym so multiple levels practice together. Last year Platinum practiced with level 6s & 7.
They have moved my daughter from that group and placed her in a gold/Platinum group.
I have done some researched and from what I can tell plat. Is more like optionals.
If she is in a group with golds ( and being a repeat Platinum) will she be training down? I have a problem with this move it this is the case.
We learned that plat. Is scored very different from gold as far a fluidity and connections.
Should I object to this move?
She actually did very well this season. Brought home 5 medals in every meet. She did have issues with beam but nothing she couldn't get past. She could move to diamond if coaches would let her.
If I am going to object to this placement, I need some solid information to back it up
My daughter's gym is having her repeat Platinum instead of Diamond or level 6. It's a small gym so multiple levels practice together. Last year Platinum practiced with level 6s & 7.
They have moved my daughter from that group and placed her in a gold/Platinum group.
I have done some researched and from what I can tell plat. Is more like optionals.
If she is in a group with golds ( and being a repeat Platinum) will she be training down? I have a problem with this move it this is the case.
We learned that plat. Is scored very different from gold as far a fluidity and connections.
Should I object to this move?
She actually did very well this season. Brought home 5 medals in every meet. She did have issues with beam but nothing she couldn't get past. She could move to diamond if coaches would let her.
If I am going to object to this placement, I need some solid information to back it up