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  1. all-aroundgirl

    Off Topic Dream Journals

    I keep a dream journal...sort-of. I just write down my dreams in a regular journal that I write in. It's a lot of fun. Most of my dreams are pretty crazy though.... a lot of them have to do with celebrities and interacting with them.
  2. all-aroundgirl

    Off Topic I Hate Winter :(

    It's cold here but not like FREEZING! And it seems like you don't hate winter, just being ice. I LOVE winter....but I hate ice. It's a pain-in-the-neck to drive in!
  3. all-aroundgirl

    My first rip today!!!!

    Or two rips on one rip. Very painful indeed. But yes, that was the high for rips. It just gets worse from now on.... :D
  4. all-aroundgirl

    Funny Things People who don't do gym have said?

    I LOVE proving people wrong. And excedding expectations. It's a gift. :D
  5. all-aroundgirl

    What to do

    Take a deep breath and go with your gut and heart. If you are truly unhappy, what is the point in wasting your time and money. The only person you can possibly disappoint is yourself that way. I quit ice-skating in September because of gymnastics. Both sports are to complicated to do...
  6. all-aroundgirl

    I'm super excited! (caution: Bragging!)

    Awesomeness! Congratulations! :)
  7. all-aroundgirl

    New Chat Box

    That actually sounds like a great idea.
  8. all-aroundgirl

    Off Topic Ok men - i need help!!

    Not a man (obviously) but I know all the men in my family (trust me....I have more uncles then I do aunts, cousins, and grandparents combined!) and they usually just like a night out with either wife or family. Also handmade gifts. I make comics for my dad (sometimes they reveal a gift that we...
  9. all-aroundgirl

    Off Topic Amazing montage by The Chalkbucketer's own CCCam.

    Awesome! I love her blog. :D
  10. all-aroundgirl

    Pros and Cons of wearing shorts to practice???

    Pros: Less self-concious Cons: Get caught on bar I really don't get an opinion in wearing them or not. Level 7 and overs are required to wear shorts. Period.
  11. all-aroundgirl

    Off Topic Black Friday!

    That is totally sick! I actually did an article about it on my blog.
  12. all-aroundgirl

    Off Topic Black Friday!

    SLEEPING IN!!!!!!!! It was crazy here! People were camping out at like six pm yesterday! Call me out-of-the-loop but I find that INSANE!
  13. all-aroundgirl


    Welcome, back to the Chalk Bucket then! I'm Avrill and I'm a gymnast. :)
  14. all-aroundgirl

    Off Topic Great Turkey Dinner

    I feel fine. :D I'm one of those people, who know matter how much they eat they still are hungry, and still have a slim figure. :) You're all jealous I know... :p But the food was YUMMY! Except for the turkey....but I hate turkey in general. The pie was the BEST! And today bro and I are putting...