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  1. P

    Coaches Reasonably priced long sleeved leotards

    My gym has done either GK or KBee in the past, and the leo’s are usually a simpler design with less rhinestones, but they are always under $200 to keep it lower cost. We also use the leo’s for 2-4 years depending on where the program is. They’re very nice leo’s and the girls love them so much...
  2. P

    WAG Weiler Kip - Xcel Platinum Bar Routine

    DD is training Xcel Platinum this summer and her new coach wants them all to be working multiple bar B skills. Old coach just had her work clear hips, which she can do, they’re just not super pretty yet. She could probably get a cast HS by end of summer (can throw 45 degrees above horizontal...
  3. P

    WAG Cartwheel/ Roundoff Dismount with 1 1/4 twist on beam

    Hey guys! DD is training for platinum this year and sucks at front tuck and back tuck dismounts, so out options are basically a barani or this (it’s like the typical RO dismount the golds do at her gym, but with an added full twist- like the platinum twisting vaults). She’s been working the...
  4. P

    Gymnasts xcel to optionals at age 15, is it possible?

    I would say go for it. Our gym has had a couple JO to XCEL and XCEL to JO transfers and all our XCEL to JO kids are really doing well. You’ll be a little old but it’s not too bad (I’m 16 training with a majority 10-12 yr olds). Just go over and show that you want it. Try for 7 for this season or...
  5. P

    Parents Xcel gold bar tap swings

    There’s no required height in Xcel but there will be form deductions and likely a rythym deduction (.2, because of the momentum)
  6. P

    WAG New Xcel Dismount Tap Swing 1/2 1/2

    It would be kip, cast, clear hip, kip, squat on, tap, dismount (or HB kip, dismount)
  7. P

    WAG New Xcel Dismount Tap Swing 1/2 1/2

    Does anyone have a video of what this would look like? DD is doing well and is working for platinum but doesn’t have a bar dismount yet (maybe a flyaway, but it’ll take time). She competed tap swing half turn last year for gold and it sounds like something she would find easy. Any advice on the...
  8. P

    Coaches Gymnast scared to hit shins during squat on

    Maybe don’t do this on the real bar, but get a lower bar or a floor bar, and drape a sting mat over it. Have her work squat ons on her own or with minimal spot and show her that it won’t hurt if she does it properly. If she thinks she will hit her skins when the time comes, then she can always...
  9. P

    WAG Competing more advanced skills?

    flyaways and high bar kips are very common in BOTH Gold and Platinum. Personally, I would say don’t skip levels. There are plenty of older kids competing gold, and it’s much better to do a solid year of gold and then a solid year of platinum rather than jumping up a level and struggling really...
  10. P

    WAG platinum requirements

    For beam, a barani dismount works (and can be super pretty if done well). For bars, you need 1 kip (but it doesn’t matter where) and you don’t need a flyaway. on floor there’s more options. Your first pass HAS to have two skills, and one must be a salto(flip). Because you don’t have a back...
  11. P

    Parents Floor music

    I would say go for “older” retro music (70s, 80s), try out some video game or movie soundtracks she likes, or to go try something super out there (DD wants to try and find “clown music” for next year)
  12. P

    Parents Costs to participate in Xcel team?

    Monthly tuition is about $300 for 9 hours/wk. Uniforms (leo, warmup, backpack) is about $300 for everything, about $120 for just the leo Assessment (covers coaches fees, national congress, meets (not including states and regionals) and end of season celebration) came out to just over $1000. The...
  13. P

    Coaches Favorite acro connections for bronze/silver?

    Maybe a little harder, but FHS step out RO, RO BT for the silvers, FT step out cartwheel Anything I would suggest for Bronze is listed above, silvers are a lot different. (On the silver team last year, our hardest skill was a RO BHS BHS, but she already had a standing back tuck and had a RO BhS...
  14. P

    Coaches Why choose harder "A" skills over easier "A" skills?

    In my experience, harder A skills can score better. On Xcel Silver, the ‘basic’ routine for our gym was glide swing-pullover cast cast back hip circle (specialized dismount by kid). DD and one other teammate both ended up competing kip front hip circle - cast - back hip circle - underswing...
  15. P

    WAG Cast-away kips (clear hip into kip) drills?

    So DD is currently training Xcel Platinum and their coach is having them heavily train clear hips and “cast away kips ”. DD has a pretty good clear hip (she drops fairly welll, gets good clearance at the end) but she can’t figure out how to fix the kip out of it. Her coach says she’s not...