DD is training Xcel Platinum this summer and her new coach wants them all to be working multiple bar B skills. Old coach just had her work clear hips, which she can do, they’re just not super pretty yet. She could probably get a cast HS by end of summer (can throw 45 degrees above horizontal right now (no straddle) with really no work on casting) but DD wants to try and train something different/unique too. She was thinking about a weiler kip, as she is good with front skills. We did some research, and are going to talk to coach tomorrow, but I don’t see how it would work in a routine. DD can’t/hasn’t tried giants or pirouettes, so how would she get into and out of it without having to stop the whole routine and move her hands? I’ve seen people do hand hopping kips to get into it, but I have zero clue for how to get out of it. Any thoughts? Do you even need to have your hands in reverse? Or there any other simple or unique B skills you would suggest?