back pain

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  1. G

    Back Pain

    hey guys i am having alot of back pain and dont know weather or not to be concerned. it is my lower to middle back and i have been doing alot of bwlkovr bhs's on beam lately if anyone has any ideas let me know
  2. Geoffrey Taucer

    Back pain on endos

    Today, one of my boys did endos on strap bar for the first time (and they were absolutely stunningly beautiful, even though he'd never even attempted them before except out of a forward sole circle), and after doing a few said his back was hurting a little. Is back pain typical when endos are...
  3. AlexsGymmyMom

    Back Pain Question

    My DD was playing around on the trampoline on Saturday doing Back handsprings and such and landed on her stomach with her chest lifted. She says she heard a crack and now her lower back is hurting her. We iced it the first day and then yesterday evening started using a heating pad. The ice did...
  4. D

    Back pain advice

    My back has always hurt me when doing simple things like back walkovers- which are needed for level 7- on beam but in the past three weeks the pain seems to have worsened. I have a very flexible back so my coaches don't know why it worsened and I don't remember a specific incident that could...
  5. L

    Coaches Back Pain

    I have read about many gymnasts having a lot of problems with back pain. I am curious to know what generally causes this and what a gymnast can do to avoid this type of problem in the future. Any coaches comments are greatly appreciated:)