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  1. K

    Parents Bone bruise

    Hi Everyone has anyone experienced a bone bruise before my level 3 gymnast has a bone bruise on her long toe , she has had it since November and is still in pain , not sure what to do about it , we have tried RICE and she rested it over the Xmas break , but is now back at training avoiding...
  2. K

    WAG Stress Fracture Sesamoid Bone

    My DD got a stress fracture in her sesamoid bone, which is one of the bones in the ball of the foot, padding on bottom of foot by the big toe. She developed it from preparing for states. Dr had her in a boot for 4 months, trying to heal...he said it was a 50/50 chance healing because a ligament...
  3. M

    MAG Shoulder bone bruise long recovery time... help!

    At my younger son's first, in house, practice meet in late Dec, he had a crazy fall on floor where he found himself coming straight down onto his head when he straightened out of a back tuck very prematurely on his last pass. We figured out much later that he put out his arms to break the fall...
  4. A

    WAG Bone scan vs. MRI

    So my daughter has a follow up with an orthopedist on Monday for lower back pain. When he saw her a month ago, he really didn't think it was a stress reaction/fracture but only did xrays. (She had an MRI about 9 mths ago which I think played into his hesitancy to do another one.) He said...
  5. J

    Parents Bone density and elite gymnastics

    My 6 year old has no fat on her but has what her coach said 'high bone density' which could work as a disadvantage for her because she has to be proportionally stronger. Is it the be all and end all? Her coach didn't really say but my dd works so hard and if her body shape means she will...
  6. littlegirlsdream

    WAG Cuboid bone injury

    Can anyone share their experience or knowledge with a cuboid injury. It would seem this is an injury that is going to take a looooooong time to heal:(
  7. Committed

    WAG Bone bruise on spine?

    DD, almost 8yo, went to the Dr. yesterday because of nagging lower back pain. DD says she was injured around late Nov/early Dec. doing a front layout onto a mat in the pit. She jammed her back, and it just never cleared up. Anyway, at the Dr. she got X-rays that came out clear and was told she...
  8. G

    Parents Pubic bone bruise

    I have a 12 year old L9 who has been struggling on bars after coming back from hand surgery . She has developed this very painful bruise right above her pubic area that swells at times . This bruise is making it hard for her to push into the bar to make handstands leading to pirouettes . Any...
  9. L

    Parents BONE Healing Fairies Needed

    So.....after healing up from the concussion last Dec.....Little Gymmie broke her foot 12 days ago...luckily just a pseudo jones fracture....4 weeks in a boot. Send the bone fairies to Des Moines...Season starts in two months! MOM
  10. S

    Parents Bone bruise

    One month ago my dd took a fall off bars. She hit her heel on the spring board. We had it x-rayed and it isn't fractured. It still hurts her (one month later) when she jumps or runs. She can't do vault or floor. Her coach mentioned bone bruise tonight. Im not sure what to do. We've been icing...
  11. emilykatherine

    WAG Elbow bone spurs

    Does anybody know anything about them? I have bone spurs in my ankle but they don't hurt or make my bones Pop. The one in my elbow just won't get better, it's been 2 weeks of pt and no using my elbow and it feels like it's getting worse instead of better
  12. Amusibus

    Parents Heel "Bone Bruise"?

    My gymmie got knocked over the other day at practice and somehow her heel came down hard on one of those round iron weights that slides onto the bar for lifting. I can't really understand her description of how it happened, just that her heel got a hard whack. This was 3 days ago. She came out...
  13. D

    WAG Tail Bone Pain?

    I don't think that it's my actual tail bone that hurts because it doesn't hurt when I put pressure or sit on it. But that area hurts when I do a standing pike stretch, forward rolls, backward rolls, and tuck jumps. Do you think that it's something serious that I should get checked out, or...
  14. Swiftli

    Parents Bone Cracking

    My DD (12yr L8) has this lovely habit of cracking her bones....just about all of them and just about all the time...toes, fingers, back, neck....I am thinking it is a nervous habit... I am trying to just let it ride it's course but has anyone heard of any long term issues with misaligning...
  15. ALgymMom

    WAG Hitting the bottom of an above ground pit... Bone bruise...

    My daughter is at camp and hit the bottom of an above ground pit. She's never used that type of pit before, but needless to say we are not impressed with them She can't put pressure on her heel and is having sharp pains. I'm not sure if it is a bone bruise or something is broke. Has anyone else...
  16. L

    Question about bone age

    Let me begin by saying that I am not looking for medical advice whatsoever. I just want to see how common this is. Further, my DS is being seen by a doctor already. My DS had a bone age xray done this week. His pysychiatrist is very concerned that he isn't growing nor gaining weight. He has...
  17. G

    first broken bone:(

    so tpday i got xrays of my hand...and i have a spiral fracture:(so ill have a cast or 6 weeks:eek:lots of strength for me!
  18. M

    I Got My First Broken Bone

    It sounds weird, but I'm so proud!!! I've never had a broken bone before! I'm also sort of mad because I'm not allowed to run or jump for three weeks. However, it's good timing cause I'm going on vacation next week anyway. I fractured my fifth metatarsal, which is the bone that runs along the...
  19. K

    Thigh bone out of the acetabulum while being in gymnastics split?

    Hello every one! My friend told me that when somebody is doing gymnastics split the femoral head is getting out from the acetabulum, more or less like this: Link Removed Is it true? To be more precise I mean a split exactly like this one: Link Removed I'm not a medic or gymnast, I don't...
  20. B

    Coaches ? about broken bone & competition

    Hello. I am looking for some input regarding the following: our 7 y.o daughter, who competes at Level 5, recently broke her left index finger in two places (on each side of the growth plate). She broke it on April 14th. She saw an orthopedic specialist who put her in a cast (up to her elbow)...