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  1. Geoffrey Taucer

    Level 6 boys p-bars (would love to hear from judges as well)

    I have several boys who have been struggling with the moy on the level 6 p-bars routine (and this has long been a skill I have had trouble teaching well). Today, I had several of my boys experiment with more of a Tippelt-type tap (ie comming through the bottom in a glide shape rather than a...
  2. munchkin3

    MAG Boys team.....dealing with a problem child!!!???

    On DS team we have a child who is a behavior problem....even the parents will agree....The problem is that MY DS can't deal with him. The coach does not like hearing any complaints about him because he just want's the boys to focus on work, not 'coach, he did this...' and unproductive...
  3. P

    MAG Help with boys grips

    I'm used to coaching mostly girls. I do coach boys, but they're usually younger in age or do only tumbling. I have a 10 yr boy that has issues with his hands so his parents wanted me to suggest something. Funny enough...they wanted to buy him gloves...I suggested grips b/c gloves are definitely...
  4. C

    MAG Fun activities for boys

    I was wanting to know if anyone has any suggestions for fun activities to include in lessons. Boys are in level 4, 5, 6. I was thinking of doing a fun activity at the end of the lesson, and to possibly use this as a reward for good behaviour/working hard. An example would be an obstacle...
  5. lilmonkeymom

    Boys competing with girls

    My daughter competes in the YMCA league. All of the events are "girls" events. There is a boy on her team. Do you think he has an advantage over the girls? :confused:
  6. H

    MAG The transition begins - Boys L4 to L6

    As somebody else mentioned recently in a different thread, things have slowed down so much since season ended, it's harder to find things to post about. That being the case, I'll just try what all us parents do at the gym and just jabber away about my own kid. :p The difference is, of course...
  7. JBS

    MAG What are the most important things to develop in new L4 boys?

    I'm starting a boys team. What are the most important things for them to develop in the beginning?
  8. M

    Parents Gymnastics Books for Boys

    The kids in my 7 yo DS's first grade class is supposed to bring a non-fiction book about a sport. Naturally, being that it's his favorite sport, DS wants to bring a gymnastics book. But but BUT! When we looked, all the children's gymnastics books we found had little girls on the cover, which...
  9. H

    Boys L5, L6 handstand exercises?

    As I mentioned in another thread, my boy will probably be moving up from L4 to L5 or maybe even L6 pretty soon. All in all, I think he's ready. This weekend at home, he actually made it all the way through the L6 mushroom routine. My concern is for his handstand. Never been a strong point...
  10. H

    Parents OMG!!! L4 Boys NorCal State Champ!!???

    Yesterday (Sunday) was the last day of season for our lower level boys. It was the Northern California Boys State Championships! When we arrived at the gym, I was, like, totally intimidated. The place was huge, with two complete gymnastics setups in one gigantic room. I was even more...
  11. munchkin3

    Since we are on Boys Level 4 topic...please critique if you care...

    Well, I love picking apart routines...(quietly of course) I would love to receive anyone's opinion.... My boy came in 3rd...his AA was 87.20...I did the adding wrong on the video! 1st on pommel, 4th on Floor and HB, 2nd on Pbars, rings and vault.... He did not do ROBHS because he is still scared...
  12. H

    Boys Level 4 Vault Analysis?

    I've received some really good feedback from some of you on other videos I've posted, so I thought I'd push my luck and try again. The level 4 vault is seemingly the most simple event of them all, but apparently there's more to it than meets the eye. If anybody feels they are familiar enough...
  13. Geoffrey Taucer

    Looking for ways to get l4 boys excited about mushroom

    Mushroom is a weak event for my level 4s; I have two, and neither can make it past a full circle. I think both have settled into the routine of doing one circle (actually, closer to 7/8ths of a circle) and falling; they seem to have given up on pushing themselves past that point. Does anybody...
  14. H

    Girls Are Different Than Boys

    You'd think at my age I would have noticed it sooner! :o What I'm referring to, of course, is girl gymnasts versus boy gymnasts. It was only last May when we switched our boy to a bigger, better gym. I recall my first impressions vividly. Not only were there about 10 times as many gymnasts...
  15. Geoffrey Taucer

    Giant, baby giant, undershoot (from L6 boys routine)

    One of my L6 boys just learned his giants, which he can do for bonus in his routine. However, we're running into issues in plugging them in. When he plugs the giants into his routine (two giants followed by a baby giant and an undershoot), what ends up happenning is that after the two giants...
  16. F

    Boys Level 4 Mushroom

    Is is mandatory for the boys to attempt circles on the mushroom after their level 4 pommel horse routine? If they can only do 1 at a time, is it more of a deduction to skip it or to do 1 or 2 at a time. Has this rule changed from last year?
  17. Mom2GymMonkey

    Parents Talk to me about boys' gymnastics!

    As a little background, I have a 9 y/o DS who, due to his health history, was only recently able to start copmpetitive sports. He has tried soccer, baseball, football and basketball and, while he enjoys playing, he is not really "good" at any of the sports, mainly due to his lack of...
  18. F

    How do boys qualify for level 5 regionals

    Boys Level 5 (region 1)...what is process to qualify for regionals in AZ? Do they need certain scores during season or a certain place in states?
  19. munchkin3

    Parents Boys need the Fairy too ..Help!

    My DS needs the floor fairy urgently.....He needs press handstand WITH NO HOPPING off the floor.....He almost has it but coach wants it to be PERFECT.... ALSO...ROBHS....he had it a month ago.....wasn't great but he was doing it with no spot....2 weeks ago he fell and now NEEDS a spot....PLEASE...
  20. M

    Boys Gymnastics Level 4 New Routines

    Is there a place you can purchase a dvd of the new Level 4 boys routines?